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Poem: Come crooners and crows
Poem: Come crooners and crows
by Marjorie Dobson
Come crooners and crows: come singers from shows: come tenors and basses from all different places: come tone deaf, or sweet, or those with a beat, sopranos with high notes with frogs in their sore throats. Contraltos join hands with those in rock bands and make up a ring with th
Who knows?
Who knows?
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Who knows? Proper 14 year A Genesis 37: 1-4, 12-28; Psalm 105: 1-6, 16-22, 45b Did Jacob know, while favouring one son, the brothers planned to kill that special one? Did Reuben know, by letting Joseph live, they would be saved by what that boy could give... 7 August 2011,
Lectionary Reflections - Year B - The Second Sunday of Lent Year B
Lectionary Reflections - Year B - The Second Sunday of Lent Year B
by SPCK - Jane Williams
The Second Sunday of Lent Genesis 17.1–7, 15, 16 Romans 4.13–25 Mark 8.31–38 The Old Testament readings for Lent this year are encouraging us to think about covenants. Last week we had the covenant with Noah, this week we have Abraham, and next week – let me give you a sneak prev
Lectionary Reflections - Year B - Proper 2 Year B
Lectionary Reflections - Year B - Proper 2 Year B
by SPCK - Jane Williams
Proper 2 2 Kings 5.1–14 1 Corinthians 9.24–27 Mark 1.40–45 Mark’s Gospel is almost certainly the oldest of the four Gospels. Matthew and Luke seem to know it and depend upon it for some of their information, though they do also have independent sources of their own. It is possibl
Genesis for Everyone Part 2 - How to Live in a Contractual Relationship with God
Genesis for Everyone Part 2 - How to Live in a Contractual Relationship with God
by SPCK - John Goldingay
How to Live in a Contractual Relationship with God Genesis 28:16-29: 14a I was trying to explain to a group of Christians the difference between a covenant and a contract in order to suggest that God’s relationship with us is more like the former than the latter. I have a contrac
LWPT Meditations - Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year C
LWPT Meditations - Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year C
by Susan Thorne
Meditation – 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr C 1st Kings 21:1-10, 15-21a Psalm 5:1-8 Galatians 2:15-21 Luke 7:36-8:3 When God, through Jesus, offered grace to sinful people, he was not saying that sin was of no consequence. It is; it cost the life of a sinless saviour. No one who
LWPT Meditations - Sunday Before Advent - Year C
LWPT Meditations - Sunday Before Advent - Year C
by Susan Thorne
Meditation – Sunday Before Advent Yr C Jeremiah 23:1-6 Luke 1:68-79 Colossians 1:11-20 Luke 23:33-43 I once saw a drama in church in which two angels were waiting in heaven for the first person to benefit from Christ’s sacrifice. The crucifixion was taking place, and the angels
clouds and glory - Proper 20 - Year A
clouds and glory - Proper 20 - Year A
by SPCK - David Adam
Proper 20 Year A Lord, teach us to live in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ, Let us not be intimidated by opposition or criticism. Keep us firm in the faith you have set before us; Through Christ who has triumphed and reigns with you in your Holy Spirit for ever and ever A
A mirage, nothing more
A mirage, nothing more
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: A mirage, nothing more Proper 17 Year A Jeremiah 15: 15 – 21 A mirage, nothing more, that’s how God often seems, for even though we keep the faith, is God a God of dreams? We pray by night and day, but answers seem remote, and then detractors laugh at us, make fun of us and
From many different continents
From many different continents
by Andrew Pratt
From many different continents, at one in heart and mind, an infinite variety, drawn from all humankind. We worship in each native tongue. The rhythms of our song, reflect the context where we live, and yet we all belong. Verses 3-4 follow Tune: CONTEMPLATION (Ouseley) Metre: CM
Beware of what you think or say
Beware of what you think or say
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: Beware of what you think or say Proper 15 year A Matthew 15: 21-28 Beware of what you think or say, our actions give the lie, or offer evidence of faith for which we sing, or cry. When challenged by a foreigner, a woman in her need, see Jesus shamed to change and act, her c
God grants a blessing when we least expect it
God grants a blessing when we least expect it
by Andrew Pratt
God grants a blessing when we least expect it, times when our poverty cuts where it hurts; Jesus has promised in this situation, grace will bring hopefulness, kindness subverts. Verses 2-3 follow Tune: EPIPHANY HYMN; LIEBSTER IMMANUEL Please include on your CCL licence. Andrew
God’s grace extends beyond our comprehension
God’s grace extends beyond our comprehension
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: God’s grace extends beyond our comprehension Proper 19 Year A Matthew 18: 21-35 God’s grace extends beyond our comprehension, beyond the limits that we put on love. God calls us to forgiveness and redemption, sometimes the bar is just too high above. When we are wronged God
God's love can never be undone
God's love can never be undone
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: God's love can never be undone Proper 15 year A Romans 1: 1 – 2a, 29 - 32 God's love can never be undone, the covenant be broken, God's mercy never fades or ends, the source of grace has spoken. No disobedience demands a final separation... Tune: ST COLUMBA (IRISH) Ninth Su
God's way is just the way of love