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the historical character of Jesus - 2b The ‘earthly Jesus’ as character in Acts
the historical character of Jesus - 2b The ‘earthly Jesus’ as character in Acts
by SPCK - David Allen
“The witnessed one”: Jesus in Acts Whatever one’s reason for so doing, the task of engaging with the book of Acts is fraught with interpretative questions. The discourse has two distinct textual traditions – the so-called Western and Alexandrian versions, with not insignificant v
the historical character of Jesus - 2d The story of Jesus in Acts
the historical character of Jesus - 2d The story of Jesus in Acts
by SPCK - David Allen
The story of Jesus in Acts But does Acts have anything more explicit about Jesus himself? If Acts disavows the need to root the Church’s practice and self-understanding in explicit appeal to Jesus’ teaching, are there other ways in which Jesus is remembered in its retelling of th
the historical character of Jesus - 5c Identity: Jesus – the human “high priest”
the historical character of Jesus - 5c Identity: Jesus – the human “high priest”
by SPCK - David Allen
Identity: Jesus – the human “high priest” It remains the case, though, that Jesus’ humanity is fundamental to the epistle’s message and intrinsic to the efficacy of his high-priestly activity. Indeed, one might argue that, of all the canonical nonevangelical testimony (and maybe
journeying with John - 4 Passion and Holy Week
journeying with John - 4 Passion and Holy Week
by SPCK - Woodward, Gooder and Pryce
4 Passion and Holy Week Each of the Gospels brings its portrayal of Jesus to a climax with his death. Although the themes are different in each Gospel, it is important to pay close attention to the themes that come to the fore in the crucifixion accounts, since they tell us somet
journeying with John - 7 Pentecost He breathed on them
journeying with John - 7 Pentecost He breathed on them
by SPCK - Woodward, Gooder and Pryce
7 Pentecost He breathed on them As we have noted on more than one occasion, the equivalent of the Acts account of Pentecost occurs in John’s Gospel in 20.19 –23. So far in this book we taken the resurrection passages out of order because of the way the Christian year falls…
Parallel Lives of Jesus - 2c The Shared Story in the Four Gospels
Parallel Lives of Jesus - 2c The Shared Story in the Four Gospels
by SPCK - Edward Adams
The Shared Story in the Four Gospels Using the elements of story listed earlier, we can identify a core story embodied in all four Gospels. There is a common series of events: the appearance and ministry of John the Baptist, the descent of the Spirit upon Jesus, the call of the f
Parallel Lives of Jesus - 3d The Characterization of the Disciples
Parallel Lives of Jesus - 3d The Characterization of the Disciples
by SPCK - Edward Adams
The Characterization of the Disciples As noted in chapter 2, all the evangelists portray the disciples with conflicting traits. While Mark acknowledges the positive features of the disciples (they are called, commissioned, made privy to the mystery of the kingdom, etc.), he accen
The Living God - The God of Jesus of Nazareth
The Living God - The God of Jesus of Nazareth
by SPCK - Alister McGrath
Which God Are We Talking About? 1 The God of Jesus of Nazareth Don’t tell them – show them! That was the advice I was given when trying to improve my preaching more than 30 years ago. My early attempts were not particularly successful. I remember two people coming up to me after
Matthew for Everyone Part 2 - The Great Commission
Matthew for Everyone Part 2 - The Great Commission
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Great Commission Matthew 28.16-20 You sometimes wonder, when listening to some of the great classical composers, whether they really know how to bring a piece to an end. One of the most notorious is Beethoven. There are times when, at the end of a symphony, you think you’re j
The Power of the Parable - The Visionary Dream of God
The Power of the Parable - The Visionary Dream of God
by SPCK - John Dominic Crossan
chapter 10 The Visionary Dream of God The Parable Gospel According To John The Power of the Parables HOW FICTION BY JESUS BECAME FICTION ABOUT JESUS When you think of World Heritage Sites, you usually imagine ancient places and ruined cities. But one site is emphatically neither.
Occasions for Alleluia - Introduction
Occasions for Alleluia - Introduction
by SPCK - David Adam
Introduction One Easter on Holy Island, a few things suddenly came together. During Lent I had been reading A. N. Wilson’s novel, A Bottle in the Smoke, and I came across this passage describing the main character, Julian Ramsey, falling in love for the first time:..
RE Active - Easter... with templates
RE Active - Easter... with templates
by SPCK - Jenny Gray
6 Easter In each school year, the RE curriculum will probably build on what children already know about Easter. In Hertfordshire (at the time of writing), Year 3 focuses on how christians celebrate Easter; Year 4 the Last Supper and Easter food; Year 5 the events of Holy Week; Ye
The Power of the Parable - Challenge Parables: Part 3
The Power of the Parable - Challenge Parables: Part 3
by SPCK - John Dominic Crossan
chapter 5 Challenge Parables: Part 3 Let Anyone With Ears To Hear Listen! In 1973 I was an associate professor at DePaul University in Chicago and had just published In Parables: The Challenge of the Historical Jesus, the first in a series of books that would culminate with The H
God's full and perfect justice (Revised)