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Reflection/Poem: Job
Reflection/Poem: Job
by Marjorie Dobson
Reflection/Poem: Job It’s bad enough when so-called friends pose difficult-to-answer questions, but when God begins to ask them of us, what possible answer can we give? So Job, having faced the onslaught of his not-so-comforting comforters, now faces God, who has a whole string o
LWPT Meditations - Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B
LWPT Meditations - Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B
by Susan Thorne
Meditation- 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B 2nd Samuel 6: 1-5, 12b-19 Psalm 24 Ephesians 1: 3-14 Mark 6: 14-29 We should never try to explain the mind of God nor attempt to comprehend the means whereby he acts, but in reading the first chapter of the letter to the Ephesians
Hymn: Without the wisdom of a God
Hymn: Without the wisdom of a God
by Andrew Pratt
Without the wisdom of a God, the knowledge of creation, before the cosmic chemistry had settled its rotation, we could not know, we cannot tell, the height of love, the depth of hell. Verses 2-3 follow Tune: EISENACH also listed as [SCHEIN] MACH’S MIT MIR GOTT Metre:
4 results