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Wrestling with God
Wrestling with God
by John Bradley
Wrestling with God Three Falls, a Submission and a Knock-Out! Wrestling Jacob gets a new name: ‘Identity Thief’ becomes ‘God’s Wrestler’ We read that Esau was born moments before his twin brother Jacob who was found to have been grasping his brother’s heel in their mother’s womb
Wrestling Giant Haystacks Jesus
Wrestling Giant Haystacks Jesus
by Nick Blundell
A poem born in Jacob's wrestling with God at Peniel, seeing parallels with the struggles of our lives, suggesting that we can grow when we face the difficulties head on in the company of "Giant Haystacks Jesus". (for those too young to remember, Giant Haystacks was a famous all
My father, Jacob
My father, Jacob
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem - My father, Jacob Proper 13 year A Genesis 32: 22 – 31 My father didn’t have a limp before. He said he’d wrestled with a man all night and, though he claimed he’d never given in, his injury had proved his need to fight. We’d left him at the far side of the stream. He often
Jacob’s wrestling
Jacob’s wrestling
by Andrew Pratt
Meditation: Jacob’s wrestling Proper 13 year A Genesis 32: 22 – 31 I'd looked out on that scene before. Knew it like the back of my hand. Funny the sayings we have, I don't know the back of my hand very well, never studied it. But I knew that scene, the placing of trees, leafy in
Wrestling stranger met with Jacob
Wrestling stranger met with Jacob
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: Wrestling stranger met with Jacob Proper 13 year A Genesis 32: 22 – 31 Wrestling stranger met with Jacob, struggled onward till the morn, struggled by the brook of Jabbok, heralding a different dawn. Jacob met the task with courage, and it seemed he would prevail, but the s
11 results