Sermon 1 - Saved Through Trusting in God
Taken from Sermons on Several Occasions
This is Sermon Number 1 of 44.
These were written and preached by John Wesley during his itinerant ministry
during the 18th Century.
In the 1980s James Holway translated each of these sermons into modern English
and preached them to present-day church congregations.
On the back of the printed collection of these it is noted that ‘John Wesley would
be the first to encourage plain speaking in modern English if it meant his teaching
became clearer to his readers. He would hardly be pleased to find that changes in
the language have made his sermons heavy, ponderous discourses lacking his
original fire and conviction. This modern translation is published with the prayer
that the Holy Spirit may speak to the people of this generation with the power and
effectiveness that turned many to find Jesus when Wesley originally preached
these sermons.’
This single sermon is available for you to download. Should you wish to buy other
single sermons they are also available from this website or you can purchase a
copy of the printed book. The current retail price is £12.95 and is available from
this website or direct from www.moorleys.co.uk. The ISBN is 978 0 86071 696 9.