The Big Catch
Taken from Lectionary lessons
Lectionary Mini Pack
The Big Catch
Luke 5:1-11
Here we are going to learn more about Jesus calling his first disciples, the fishermen Simon and Peter. We have games to play, a story to listen to, crafts, colouring, a bible verse we can learn and a prayer to share. Along the way we will we reflect specifically on Jesus going out in the fishing boat, after a spectacular haul of fish Jesus invites the fishermen to follow him and be fishers of men. It is all divided into 2 age groups, 6 and under and 7 and over, then a second section for family study that also has prompts for preschoolers and teens so you can tailor it to your needs.
This pack is linked to Andrew the Disciple and The First 4 (3rd Sunday after Epiphany Year B).