An exploration of what it is to be a 21st Century Methodist & what Methodism brings to the ecumenical table.

What's so special about Methodism?
By Pete Brazier ©Pete Brazier 2014

This is a course for those seeking membership, for those already in membership, for those deliberately avoiding membership and for those thoroughly confused by Methodism in general. It is for those seeking to be serious and relevant disciples of Jesus Christ in the 21st century.

‘I am not afraid that the people called Methodists
should ever cease to exist, but I am afraid lest they
should only exist as a dead sect, having the form of
religion without the power.’

John Wesley (1786)

  1. The structures of Methodism.
  2. Some roles & other vital features of Methodism.
  3. The theology & books of Methodism.
  4. Methodism; past, present & future.

The PowerPoint presentations for this course are available at;

How to use this course
• This course is designed to be done over four weekly sessions with the introduction included as part of the first session. Each session should take about an hour and a half with time for a 15 minute break in the middle of each session. However, feel free to adjust
this to your needs.
• (slide number) This symbol indicates that you should move to the next slide on the PowerPoint presentation. All the information needed to follow the course is here in the book, but if you are studying this as a group the PowerPoint or some handouts will be important for some of the visuals. There are four separate .pptx files so the numbers return to one for each session.

That's all, enjoy the journey…

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