
As I ran the 2013 London Marathon I found the words of If, by Rudyard Kipling, coming into my head and this poem is my take on it. St. Paul likened our lives to a race where we fix our eyes on God and his kingdom. This may mean others think we are crazy or deluded, but we are called to work for that end. (Oh and if you are interested I ran the 26.2miles in 4hours 58mins.)

If you can keep your pace when all about you
Are streaming ahead, pushing and jostling,
If you can trust your legs when others doubt you,
If you can wait with the tan toned youngsters,
Or shun the sly smirks and not take it to heart.
If you can run while controlling a bladder,
Dream of a PB or just want to finish.
If you are passed by a fancy dress runner
And are not dismayed or surprised.
If you can fix your eyes on the pace-setter,
If you run, and run with perseverance,
Enduring the pain, hills and dark valleys;
If your feet can pound the rough ground level
And strengthen your weak knees and feeble arms.*
Then the world is your race track and what is more
You will see the kingdom, my friend.

*Heb. 12 v 1 – 13
VA April 2013

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