Imagining the Lectionary: Envisioning the Kingdom of God (Epiphany 4A)
Reflection accompanying image:
"Jackdaws with text “disciples need sharp all-round vision”
These Jackdaws have sharp, all-round vision. Working together they have all the angles
covered and never seem to miss anything of interest. Their attention to what is going on
around them is exemplary. It is this sort of sharp, all-round vision which Jesus displays
when he speaks to his disciples and demonstrates that he too misses nothing. More
precisely his compassionate spiritual insight misses out no one who is in need.
So in The Beatitudes we are drawn into his vision of the Kingdom of God and are privy to
Jesus' own way of seeing. In nine successive insights the extensive nature of his personal
circle of attention unfolds naturally and carefully. And his focus is revealing:
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