Based on my own experiences and those of my family and friends honed from over 50 years as a christian and trying to understand my faith, this universe and how it all fits together coherently. My theology has developed over the years from questioning miracles and wondering if prayer works - to the almost opposite view of seeing miracles as normal events occurng at the right moment after prayer and is the same as prayer and praying, but viewed from a different point. This idea makes the immanence of God in today as very real and extremely important to Christians everywhere. This realm of God, prayer and his actions suggest a fifth spiritual dimension to this universe, if not more.
I can vouch that for every prayer that seems to have been answered as I had prayed, there are many, many more prayers that seemed not to be answered. I use the word seems because I am always amazed when a prayer is answered positively. It brings the power and presence of God so close to me, so real as if I am touching God, I’m on Holy ground. It is not something to be taken for granted or to always expect, but an experience to be remembered and savoured for eternity and which helps us grow in faith.