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Reflection on Psalm 124

One small boy – nine years old, perhaps – stood proudly to say the psalm he’d learned by heart and proclaimed those words, ‘If it had not been the Lord who was on our side when our enemies attacked us, then we would have been swallowed alive …’

And all those devout people in the congregation nodded their heads in fervent agreement at what they knew to be a truth.

But this was in the 1940s and World War Two was not long over. Those British people were thankful that they had come through on the winning side and evil had been defeated. So they had no consciousness of any devout German troops who had once believed that God was on their side too.

Times have changed. Younger generations look at things differently and they have every right to do so. Claiming that God is on our side, to the exclusion of all other people or faiths, is no longer a clear-cut issue.


©Marjorie Dobson


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