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Reflection on the word NATIVITY - John Hill
N need – Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem is God’s faithful wonderful response to a world in so much need, a world which needs saving. Through Jesus’ birth, God shows great mercy, grace and love, Jesus still comes to all with all their needs.
A arrival - No longer does God appear to remain at a distance or remote in the heavenly realms, watching and caring over all creation, or seem in-active. Through Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem, God arrives on earth, to mix with, be involved with the people on the earth.
T transcends - Through Jesus’ presence in the flesh, he goes on to show to prove such is the vastness of God’s forgiving love. Which goes beyond time space and is ceaseless .
I incarnation – No Longer is God of the Bible a mysterious being out there, who the prophets of the Old testament had a deep affinity with. Instead something major happens, as John says ‘ the Word became flesh,’ and came to live among us.
V visible – No matter how well someone describes something it’s not the same as seeing it for yourself. Through God’s birth,the invisible God becomes visible .
I immortality -Jesus’ work, life, death and resurrection shows us there is a dynamism about him, an unusual factor and element, being human and divine, he gives us a glimpse of eternity.
T truth – Jesus is the epitome of what real truth is all about, the substance of it, of life itself what it should be and really stands for.
Y Yahweh – Is another name for God, used in the Old Testament, the eternal God. God is given several beautiful names, but no matter which one you feel most comfortable with, the important thing is. If you can name God not merely fleetingly on your lips, but in your heart also, within your whole being. Then not only are you pleasing God,but also enhancing your life.

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