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Pete and Dud style sketch 'explaining' the Trinity.

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The Trinity Explained
A and B are sitting next to each other, a la Pete and Dud. A is reading a
newspaper and B is reading a book.

A: What’s that you’re reading?
B: It’s a book.
A: What’s it about?
B: Well, it’s about the er, the Trinity.
A: Oh yeah?
B: Yeah.
A: What’s that, then?
B: Well, it’s er, you know...(he indicates upwards)
A: What?
B: The Boss.
A: What? Gordon Brown?
B: No. God.
A: Oh. (Pause) What about him?
B: Well, apparently, he’s not just one, but three in one.
A: Oh yeah?
B: Yeah.
A: How’d they work that out, then?
B: Well, it’s like, there’s one God.
A: Yeah.
B: But with three different functions.
A: Sort of like a Swiss army knife, then?
B: A bit like a Swiss army knife, yeah, but more useful.
A: I see. And what are these different functions, then?
B: How’d you mean?
A: Well, like, with a Swiss army knife, you’ve got a knife, a bottle opener, a screwdriver, one of those things to get cub scouts out of your shoe with. So what’s God got?
B: Well, obviously, there’s your basic God the Father.
A: Right. And what does he do?
B: Well, he’s in charge of all the big managerial aspects of being God.
A: What, like creating the universe and making sure the sun comes up, you mean?
B: That kind of thing, yeah.
A: I see.
B: Obviously, there’s a lot more to the job than that, but you get the idea?
A: I think so, yeah.
B: And then, there’s God the Son.
A: Who’s that, then?
B: Well, you’ll probably know him better by his other name.
A: Oh yeah? What’s that?
B: Jesus.
A: Oh, right, Jesus. Yeah, I’ve heard of him. So he’s part of the team, then?
B: Oh, definitely, yes. He’s right up there at the right hand of the Father.

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