The Second Intercessions Handbook - And also...
The Second Intercessions Handbook - And also...
by SPCK - John Pritchard
AND ALSO… These are just seed ideas which can be developed in different ways. (61) . . . JIGSAWS It’s possible to cut a large piece of card into jigsaw-type shapes (maybe six or eight pieces) with a clear middle piece that holds the others together. You then ask the group what th
The Second Intercessions Handbook - Prayer Bubbles
The Second Intercessions Handbook - Prayer Bubbles
by SPCK - John Pritchard
(58) PRAYER BUBBLES There’s something lastingly attractive about the delicate bubbles produced by blowing through the circular instrument in the little tubes of liquid you can easily buy from toy shops. The bubbles come out with a rush; some burst immediately; others drift slowly
The Second Intercessions Handbook - (46) TO THE CROSS