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Imagining the Lectionary: Going Underground (Easter 2B)
Imagining the Lectionary: Going Underground (Easter 2B)
by David Perry
Imagining the Lectionary: Going Underground (Easter 2B) Reflection accompanying images “Going underground” and “Peace be with you atomic bomb” The Jam's great 1980 hit "Going Underground" is an edgy, powerful and raw indictment both of a society which fails to challenge and stan
Holy Week 4: Easter day is the datum point of our Faith
Holy Week 4: Easter day is the datum point of our Faith
by David Perry
Holy Week 4: Easter day is the datum point of our Faith Reflection accompanying image “Zero point datum on York Station” Waiting on York Station last week I happened upon the Zero Post. What I read on the plaque above it straightaway sparked off thoughts of Easter. "The centre of
QR Code Images - 7 - With me in Paradise (big) QR
QR Code Images - 7 - With me in Paradise (big) QR
by Deeper
A series of image led reflections on Easter with each image linked to a video via Aurasma augmented reality or QR codes. To make the most of this Stations of the cross resource and to gain access to the visual reflections follow the steps below: 1. Search for Aurasma in the Apple
QR Code Images - 8 - Curtain Torn (big) QR
QR Code Images - 8 - Curtain Torn (big) QR
by Deeper
A series of image led reflections on Easter with each image linked to a video via Aurasma augmented reality or QR codes. To make the most of this Stations of the cross resource and to gain access to the visual reflections follow the steps below: 1. Search for Aurasma in the Apple
QR Code Images - 6 - The Crucifixion (big) QR
QR Code Images - 6 - The Crucifixion (big) QR
by Deeper
A series of image led reflections on Easter with each image linked to a video via Aurasma augmented reality or QR codes. To make the most of this Stations of the cross resource and to gain access to the visual reflections follow the steps below: 1. Search for Aurasma in the Apple
QR Code Images - 10 - Deeper (big) QR
QR Code Images - 10 - Deeper (big) QR
by Deeper
A series of image led reflections on Easter with each image linked to a video via Aurasma augmented reality or QR codes. To make the most of this Stations of the cross resource and to gain access to the visual reflections follow the steps below: 1. Search for Aurasma in the Apple
Meditation-Is it any wonder
Meditation-Is it any wonder
by Marjorie Dobson
Meditation: Is it any wonder? Is it any wonder that those women were afraid? Surely we would have been, too? They had only gone to the tomb to take their special spices and oils for the ritual anointing of the body of their special friend – a task that was very common in those da
Easter Tree - Palm Sunday to Easter Day
Easter Tree - Palm Sunday to Easter Day
by Rev Elaine Halls
A booklet containing instructions with texts to reflect on the events of Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Day. Craft based, ideal for the over 7's. Die cut sets were used for the original but items could be drawn and photocopied instead. More info from revs
The Lord now lives