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Stations PPT
Stations PPT
by Graeme Dutton
Welcome to ‘Stations’ In the church this evening you will find a series of paintings that follow Christ's journey to the cross. With each painting you will find a piece of scripture that tells part of the story of Christ’s Passion. Please feel free to spend as long as you wish wi…
JOHN: The people's bible commentary - REBUKES and Denials
JOHN: The people's bible commentary - REBUKES and Denials
by BRF - Richard A. Burridge
REBUKES & DENIALS The scene has moved from the garden to the house of Annas, the old high priest. We have seen that John is building the tension by oscillating between events out in the courtyard and the preliminary hearing taking place in the house.
We come, O God, to celebrate
We come, O God, to celebrate
by Jacqui Horton
We come, O God, to celebrate, our hearts and voices raise; For all the ways the Spirit works, we give you thanks and praise. We come, O God, to celebrate the preacher’s noble art; The opening of Your Word today to move the listening heart. We come, O God, to celebrate the preachi…
Prayer: This earth, full of your glory
Prayer: This earth, full of your glory
by John Birch
Prayers of Adoration, Confession and Thanksgiving by John Birch ADORATION This earth, full of your glory, praises your name through unspoken words of beauty and peace, reveals your love through hand of stranger and gift of grace. Continues... CONFESSION When we have failed to rec…
Reflection: Samaritan believers