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The Bread of life (Feeding of the 5000)(sketch)
The Bread of life (Feeding of the 5000)(sketch)
by Colin Smith
This short sketch relates, in dramatic form, the events occurring when Jesus fed the 5000. Using 5 characters, a narrator and the “crowd” it is an imaginative dialogue which closely follows the Biblical account. It is a useful addition to, or replacement of the reading to the pas…
Worship for ourselves and others
Worship for ourselves and others
by Richard Steel
A responsive opening prayer, reminding us that we are part of a worldwide Body, and that we pray for all. Lord, as we meet together now we know that you are with us and with all Christians all over the world. We worship you, we pray for others, we pray for ourselves. We come as …
Feeding the 5000 through the eyes of a child
Feeding the 5000 through the eyes of a child
by Isabel Smears
Feeding the 5000 through the eyes of a little child An old man tells this tale to his grand-children: ‘When I was a small boy, my mother used to give me a little basket with some food in it, and send me off outside, so that she could get on with her work. One day, as I was playin…
Turning Around