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John THE PEOPLE’S BIBLE COMMENTARY - Jesus Prays for the Church
John THE PEOPLE’S BIBLE COMMENTARY - Jesus Prays for the Church
by BRF - Richard A. Burridge
Jesus Prays for the Church ‘Jesus has prayed to return to the glory he shared with God his Father before the creation (17:1–5). He has also prayed for his disciples whom he will leave behind in the world, although they are not of the world; the key to this balancing act is found …
The Power of the Parable - A Hymn for the Nameless (Part 2)
The Power of the Parable - A Hymn for the Nameless (Part 2)
by SPCK - John Dominic Crossan
A Hymn for the Nameless (part 2) What, then, my fourth question asks, is the location and situation of Mark’s somewhat startling vision of Christian community. I imagine his gospel written among “the villages of Caesarea Philippi” (8:27) for refugees from the terrible destruction…
The Womens' Bible Commentary - Familial Imagery
The Womens' Bible Commentary - Familial Imagery
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
Familial Imagery Isaiah’s first chapter, which previews many of the major themes to follow, illustrates the issues highlighted above. The topic is Israel’s rebellion against God, which has already resulted in divine violence, violence through which the prophet hopes Jerusalem wil…
John The People's Commentary - House Cleaning
John The People's Commentary - House Cleaning
by BRF - Richard A. Burridge
House Cleaning Many signs in this gospel are followed by a debate to explain the sign’s purpose—as the story of the feeding of the five thousand leads into the discourse about Jesus as the Bread of Life (see on chapter 6 below). However, the first of Jesus’ signs, the changing of…
by BRF - Dick France
In the WILDERNESS MARK 1: 12-13 At this point in the story both Matthew and Luke offer us a blow-by-blow account of Jesus’ temptations in the wilderness, with the familiar threefold question and answer between Satan and Jesus…
John The People's Commentary - One Man Must Die for the People
John The People's Commentary - One Man Must Die for the People
by BRF - Richard A. Burridge
One Man Must Die for the People In a paradox typical of John, this chapter about giving life ends with the threat of death. In Chapter 9, Jesus took the blind man out of darkness to see the light, while the religious leaders went from seeing into self-imposed darkness…
How God Became King - 5c Looking for the Right Thing
How God Became King - 5c Looking for the Right Thing
by SPCK - N T Wright
Looking for the Right Thing At this point we have to be careful and once more get some critical distance from the main streams of our own recent traditions. It all depends on looking for the right thing. It has been popular for well over a hundred years to see the explicitly high…
Traces of Advent - Freedom
Traces of Advent - Freedom
by Traces of Advent
Advent 3 - Freedom This is one of four trigger images in the Traces of Advent series. They can be downloaded for free or used from a screen. For more ideas of how to use this exciting new innovation click here to go to the Traces of Advent site. To make the most of this Free Adv…
Eco Lectionary November 11
Eco Lectionary November 11
by Keynsham Methodist Church Eco Group
ECO-HINTS FROM THE LECTIONARY November 2011 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time—Year A 6 November 2011 Amos 5: 18-24 Psalm 70 I Thessalonians 4: 13-18 Matthew 25: 1-13 They were dark days for Amos. They are for us, too, quite literally at this time of year. Sometimes trying to do one’s …
Traces of Advent - Freedom - QR code version
Traces of Advent - Freedom - QR code version
by Traces of Advent
Taken from Traces of Advent Advent 3 - Freedom This is one of four trigger images in the Traces of Advent series. They can be downloaded for free or used from a screen. For more ideas of how to use this exciting new innovation click here to go to the Traces of Advent site. To ma…
Mark The Peoples' Bible Commentary - The Mission Begins in Galilee
Mark The Peoples' Bible Commentary - The Mission Begins in Galilee
by BRF - Dick France
The Mission Begins in Galilee The prologue is over. We are no longer ‘in the wilderness’, but in the real world of ordinary men and women in the villages of Galilee. This is Jesus’ home province, though the focus of his mission will prove to be not in the hills around Nazareth bu…
embodying mark - 2 Following the Teacher