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Matthew for Everyone Part 1 - The Twelve Are Sent Out
Matthew for Everyone Part 1 - The Twelve Are Sent Out
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Twelve Are Sent Out Matthew 10.1-15 ‘But how will I know the way?’ I asked, setting off on my first solo car journey. ‘Don’t be silly,’ said my mother. ‘We’ve been going there for years! You’ll know it all right.’ But I didn’t. I recognized many parts of the road. But there i
2 Corinthians - The Veil and The Glory
2 Corinthians - The Veil and The Glory
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Veil and the Glory 2 CORINTHIANS 3.12-18 The story is told of a time when there was to be a total eclipse of the sun. The newspapers and the radio and television stations repeatedly put out warnings, reminding people that they should not attempt to look directly at the sun. E
Acts for Everyone Part 2 - To Caesar You Shall Go
Acts for Everyone Part 2 - To Caesar You Shall Go
by SPCK - N T Wright
To Caesar You Shall Go Acts 25.1-12 There is a kind of wistfulness about the royal Psalms. We imagine them being sung in the first Temple in Jerusalem, some of the Western world’s oldest and still finest poetry. ‘Give the king your judgments, O God, and your justice to the king’s
Paul for Everyone Romans part 2 - Unity: Modelled by the Messiah, Encouraged by Scripture
Paul for Everyone Romans part 2 - Unity: Modelled by the Messiah, Encouraged by Scripture
by SPCK - N T Wright
Unity: Modelled by the Messiah, Encouraged by the Scripture ROMANS 15.1-6 We went to Venice last month, and marvelled again at the extraordinary achievement of the people who built that unique city many centuries ago. Just as remarkable, actually, is the achievement of those who
Paul for Everyone The Prison Letters - Unveiling the New Temple
Paul for Everyone The Prison Letters - Unveiling the New Temple
by SPCK - N T Wright
Unveiling the New Temple Ephesians 2.17-22 One of the greatest worldwide problems of our time is the plight of refugees and asylum-seekers. People in the West sometimes try to pretend that the world is now a civilized place where most people can go about their business in peace,
Mark for Everyone - Watching for the Son of Man
Mark for Everyone - Watching for the Son of Man
by SPCK - N T Wright
Mark For Everyone MARK 13.28–37 Watching for the Son of Man... ...Most modern Western houses don’t have a doorkeeper. It’s up to the owners to lock up, and perhaps set burglar alarms. But in some big cities, over the last few years, there has been quite a change. Many people now
John for Everyone Part 1 - Water into Wine
John for Everyone Part 1 - Water into Wine
by SPCK - N T Wright
Water into Wine John 2.1-12 One of the first events I ever organized was a treasure hunt. It was during the school holidays, when I was about ten or eleven. I invited all my friends from neighbouring houses and streets to come and join in. With my mother’s careful help, I planned
The Pastoral Letters - Watch Out For Disputes and Divisions
The Pastoral Letters - Watch Out For Disputes and Divisions
by SPCK - N T Wright
Watch Out for Disputes and Divisions Titus 3.8b-15 We received a charming wedding invitation today. In it, the young couple, both of whom are already working full time in the church, insisted that they didn’t want ordinary presents. Instead, they urged guests who wanted to do so
1 and 2 Samuel for Everyone - A House and a Household
1 and 2 Samuel for Everyone - A House and a Household
by SPCK - John Goldingay
A House and a Household 2 Samuel 7: 1- 29 One of my colleagues likes to remind people that Jesus never talks about our establishing God’s kingdom or furthering it or building it or extending it. In the Gospels, the only things we do to God’s kingdom are wait for it, see it, enter
1 and 2 Samuel for Everyone - A Last Act of Loyalty to Saul
1 and 2 Samuel for Everyone - A Last Act of Loyalty to Saul
by SPCK - John Goldingay
A Last Act of Loyalty to Saul 1 Samuel 30: 1- 31: 13 When I first came to California, students would sometimes ask how long I would be here, thinking it might just be for sabbatical. At first I would reply, “I want to die here,” which was a way of saying, “I am here permanently,”
Genesis for Everyone Part 1 - A Life for a Life
Genesis for Everyone Part 1 - A Life for a Life
by SPCK - John Goldingay
A Life for a Life Genesis 9: 5- 13 I was once asked to visit a man in prison who had come to trust in Christ and was now taking online courses on Christian faith; he hoped to be ordained one day. He was a man about my age and build; indeed, his name was also John. As we sat on ei
Genesis for Everyone Part 1 - A Journey and a Settlement
Genesis for Everyone Part 1 - A Journey and a Settlement
by SPCK - John Goldingay
A Journey and a Settlement Genesis 10: 21- 11: 2 A decade ago, we moved from Britain to the United States, and an Indonesian joined us to share in caring for my wife, Ann, with her disability. When she and her husband went home, a Kenyan took her place. When she and her husband w
Isaiah for Everyone - A Sign of Hope
Isaiah for Everyone - A Sign of Hope
by SPCK - John Goldingay
A Sign of Hope My wife’s son-in-law returned yesterday from one of his recurrent trips to meet with Darfuri refugees in Chad to encourage them, show some interest on the part of people from the United States, and look for ways of advocating for them. The focus of activity on this
Isaiah for Everyone - A Singer-Songwriter's Strange Song
Isaiah for Everyone - A Singer-Songwriter's Strange Song
by SPCK - John Goldingay
A Singer-Songwriter’s Strange Song When we are going out for the evening, and if the time of year requires it, I will put a sweater on top of whatever I have been wearing all day. It’s a delight to me when, in contrast, my wife disappears into the closet and reappears in her fine
Job for Everyone - And They All Lived Happily Ever After
Job for Everyone - And They All Lived Happily Ever After
by SPCK - John Goldingay
And They All Lived Happily Ever After Job 42:1- 17 I have often asked people whether they like the ending of the book of Job. The majority do not because it seems unrealistic, in that they know many people who do not have a happy ending to their story in the way that Job does. My
Genesis for Everyone Part 2 - Another Deceiver Deceived
Genesis for Everyone Part 2 - Another Deceiver Deceived
by SPCK - John Goldingay
Another Deceiver Deceived Genesis 38:1-30 It can seem as if every month some new sexual scandal is reported involving a prominent politician or pastor. It is common for the men (it’s nearly always men, but the more equal the playing field becomes, the more it may become women) in
Genesis for Everyone Part 1 - And a Time for War
Genesis for Everyone Part 1 - And a Time for War
by SPCK - John Goldingay
And a Time for War Genesis 14: 1-13 On the first Martin Luther King Jr. commemoration after I came to the United States, his daughter Bernice King preached in the seminary chapel. As I walked to chapel that morning, I remember wondering whether she would be the kind of person who
Job for Everyone - Can a Mortal Be in the Right in God's Eyes?