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Exodus and Leviticus - On Rendering to Caesar
Exodus and Leviticus - On Rendering to Caesar
by SPCK - John Goldingay
On Rendering to Caesar EXODUS 4: 18-23 I have just been talking to a student who is a missionary in Indonesia, and we were discussing the dilemma of the church there. He described the church as postcolonial, but I suggested it is still colonial. The gospel came to Indonesia throu
Genesis for Everyone Part 1 - On Not Being Able to Have a Baby
Genesis for Everyone Part 1 - On Not Being Able to Have a Baby
by SPCK - John Goldingay
On Not Being Able to Have a Baby Genesis 16: 1-4a People who cannot have children may go to huge lengths to fulfill their longing. Yesterday I noticed in the newspaper an advertisement for a free lunch and seminar on how to start a family by surrogacy. It involved going to India,
Psalms for Everyone Part 2 - On Raising the Ceiling of Our Hope
Psalms for Everyone Part 2 - On Raising the Ceiling of Our Hope
by SPCK - John Goldingay
Teach Me Psalm 119: 49-72 I’m grading student papers, and one effect that has on me (alongside making me want to commit suicide) is to make me puzzle over what it is that enables people to learn. There are people who have read the Scriptures with fresh eyes, seen things they had
LWPT Meditations - Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A
LWPT Meditations - Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A
by Susan Thorne
Meditation – 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr A The story of the feeding of the five thousand is one of the best known in the Bible; it is recorded in each of the gospels. It all began because Jesus wanted some peace and quiet after he heard of the violent death of his cousin, Joh
God's presence was seen in the person of Jesus
God's presence was seen in the person of Jesus
by Andrew Pratt
Third Sunday of Advent Year A Matthew 11: 2 – 11 Hymn: God's presence was seen in the person of Jesus God's presence was seen in the person of Jesus where people found healing and wholeness and grace, miraculous wonders and love without measure, the touch of his hands and the loo
Here the herald calls the nations
Here the herald calls the nations
by Andrew Pratt
Here the herald calls the nations, pointing to the path to peace, making clear the way for God-head, bringing freedom and release. Hear the word that he is preaching, ‘turn again toward God’s way’. See the Lord of life is coming, greet the Lord’s expected day. Verse 3 follows Tun
Times and Seasons - Full Service - Seventh Sunday of Easter - Ascension - Year A
Times and Seasons - Full Service - Seventh Sunday of Easter - Ascension - Year A
by Andrew Pratt and Marjorie Dobson
Seventh Sunday of Easter - Ascension - Year A Service contains: Opening Hymn: Alleluia! Sing to Jesus or Here was a sunset that stilled every person Prayer: At this time of mystery and wonder Reading: Psalm 47 Monologue based on Psalm 47 – with caution… Hymn: Sing to him in whom
Luke for Everyone - Gabriel Visits Zechariah
Luke for Everyone - Gabriel Visits Zechariah
by SPCK - N T Wright
Gabriel Visits Zechariah Luke 1.5-25 The capital of Ireland is the wonderful old city of Dublin. It is famous for many reasons. People go there from all over the world to stroll around its streets, to drink in its pubs, to visit its historic buildings, and to see the places made
Matthew for Everyone Part 2 - Marriage, Celibacy and Children
Matthew for Everyone Part 2 - Marriage, Celibacy and Children
by SPCK - N T Wright
Marriage, Celibacy and Children Matthew 19.10-15 We were staying with friends who had recently become grandparents for the first time. They were telling us of the time when their little granddaughter came to stay overnight while her parents were away for a short while. ‘We were s
Matthew for Everyone Part 1 - The Death of John the Baptist
Matthew for Everyone Part 1 - The Death of John the Baptist
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Death of John the Baptist Matthew 14.1-12 Imagine a movie set in a desert. The plot requires that the hero should travel across barren, dusty country for several days, somehow surviving not only the heat and drought but also the attacks of predators. At the very beginning of
Matthew for Everyone Part 1 - The Feeding of the Five Thousand
Matthew for Everyone Part 1 - The Feeding of the Five Thousand
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Feeding of the Five Thousand Matthew 14.13-22 Come and be a character in this story. There’s plenty of room, and there’s a lot to learn. To begin with, cast your mind back to the last time you were really, really sad. After the death of a parent, perhaps, or a close friend. A
1 and 2 Kings for Everyone - A Skin Disorder Removed and Exposed
1 and 2 Kings for Everyone - A Skin Disorder Removed and Exposed
by SPCK - John Goldingay
A Skin Disorder Removed and Imposed 2 Kings 5:1-6:7 Yesterday was the fourth Sunday in the month, and as usual on that Sunday we didn’t have a “proper” sermon; the rector sat on a chair and invited the congregation to tell us what they heard God saying to us out of the Scripture
1 and 2 Samuel for Everyone - A Summons, not a Call
1 and 2 Samuel for Everyone - A Summons, not a Call
by SPCK - John Goldingay
A Summons, Not a Call 1 Samuel 3: 1- 4: 1a One of my friends is going through the “discernment process” whereby the Episcopal Church seeks to decide whether she is called to ordained ministry. It involves meetings with a group of people from your local church, with diocesan offic
Numbers and Deuteronomy for Everyone - A Story about Several Asses
Numbers and Deuteronomy for Everyone - A Story about Several Asses
by SPCK - John Goldingay
A Story about Several Asses NUMBERS 22: 1- 23:4 I was once assistant minister in a flourishing suburban church that had a history of having notable rectors, one of whom was by then rector of one of the most high-profile churches in the country. I have never forgotten hearing him
Numbers and Deuteronomy for Everyone - A Spy Story
Numbers and Deuteronomy for Everyone - A Spy Story
by SPCK - John Goldingay
A Spy Story NUMBERS 13: 1-14: 38 I like to raise student eyebrows by pointing out occasions when God has abandoned segments of the church. In the first Christian centuries, the eastern Mediterranean (Turkey, the Levant, Egypt, North Africa) was full of lively Christian churches,
1 and 2 Samuel for Everyone - Appoint Us a King
1 and 2 Samuel for Everyone - Appoint Us a King
by SPCK - John Goldingay
Appoint Us a King 1 Samuel 7: 15- 8: 20 Almost every day, television and the newspapers report the cost that ordinary people pay for their government. Sometimes the cost lies in expenditure that may be inevitable. Representatives have to be paid salaries and expenses and need bui
Numbers and Deuteronomy for Everyone - Attitudes to Egyptians (and Others)
Numbers and Deuteronomy for Everyone - Attitudes to Egyptians (and Others)
by SPCK - John Goldingay
Attitudes to Egyptians (and Others) Deuteronomy 23: 1-25 I have recently been to two concerts where the band included musicians from British towns within an hour or two of my own hometown—singer Graham Nash and guitarist Slash. Both have lived in Los Angeles for decades, and I do
Genesis for Everyone Part 2 - At Last