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Luke for Everyone - The Question About Jesus' Authority
Luke for Everyone - The Question About Jesus' Authority
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Question about Jesus’ Authority Luke 20.1-8 There is a debate today in Britain about how loud soldiers should shout while on parade. The army is anxious, it seems, that sooner or later a soldier will suffer damaged hearing because a sergeant-major has bellowed an order at hig
Paul for Everyone 1 Corinthians - The Same Spirit at Work
Paul for Everyone 1 Corinthians - The Same Spirit at Work
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Same Spirit at Work 1 Corinthians 12.1-11 One of the most exciting experiences of my teenage years was playing in an orchestra at school. I had learned the piano for a year or two, but you normally play that without other musicians joining in. Now I began the trombone. Of cou
Twelve Months of Sunday year c - The Second Sunday of Advent Year C
Twelve Months of Sunday year c - The Second Sunday of Advent Year C
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Second Sunday of Advent Malachi 3.1–4 Philippians 1.3–11 Luke 3.1–6 I must have sung Handel’s Messiah dozens of times before I asked myself what its first chorus actually meant. ‘And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.’ It makes what
Hebrews for Everyone - The Sympathetic High Priest
Hebrews for Everyone - The Sympathetic High Priest
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Sympathetic High Priest Hebrews 4.14-5.3 I have just finished reading a fascinating wartime diary, written by an Anglican clergyman who was captured by the Germans in 1940 and spent the next five years in various prison camps, ministering as best he could to the thousands of
Paul for Everyone 1 Corinthians - The Table of the Lord and the Table of Demons
Paul for Everyone 1 Corinthians - The Table of the Lord and the Table of Demons
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Table of the Lord and the Table of Demons 1 Corinthians 10.14-22 ‘Christianity’, declared the great Archbishop William Temple, ‘is the most materialistic of all religions.’ He had in mind the commitment of genuine Christianity to the faith that God really became human in Jesu
Paul for Everyone: Galatians and Thessalonians - The True God and the False Gods
Paul for Everyone: Galatians and Thessalonians - The True God and the False Gods
by SPCK - N T Wright
The True God and the False Gods Galatians 4.8-11 The whale is one of the greatest sights in the animal kingdom. To go out on a small boat, to wait perhaps for hours, and then to see one of these magnificent creatures come to the surface, or even leap from the water – few can resi
Paul for Everyone 1 Corinthians - The Transformed Resurrection Body
Paul for Everyone 1 Corinthians - The Transformed Resurrection Body
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Transformed Resurrection Body 1 Corinthians 15.35-49 Imagine standing outside a car showroom, a hundred or more years from now. An advertisement has brought you and lots of others to see a new type of car. Different from all that went before, the slogan had said. ‘Looks prett
John for Everyone part 2 - The True Vine
John for Everyone part 2 - The True Vine
by SPCK - N T Wright
The True Vine John 15.1-8 One of many areas in which I possess near-total incompetence is gardening. We have moved house so many times that I have never had the chance to develop an instinct for which plants do well where and in what kind of soil and light. Once or twice I have p
John for Everyone Part 1 - The Truth Will Make You Free
John for Everyone Part 1 - The Truth Will Make You Free
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Truth Will Make You Free John 8.30-36 The square was crowded. Indeed, it was more than crowded: it was packed to overflowing. People were leaning from windows in the beautifully sculpted office blocks around the square. It was lunchtime, but nobody was thinking of eating. The
John for Everyone Part 1 - The Word Made Flesh
John for Everyone Part 1 - The Word Made Flesh
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Word Made Flesh John 1.1-18 ‘It’s on the right just beyond the end of the village,’ my friend had said. ‘You’ll see where to turn – it’s got the name on the gate.’ It sounded straightforward. Here was the village. I drove slowly past the pretty cottages, the small shops and t
Paul for Everyone Romans part 2 - The Way of Love and Peace
Paul for Everyone Romans part 2 - The Way of Love and Peace
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Way of Love and Peace ROMANS 14.13-23 The snow was heavy that night – so heavy that by the time they opened the curtains they could only just see the top of the garden gate. There must have been at least three feet of the stuff. At the breakfast table, the son reminded his fa
Matthew for Everyone Part 1 - Travels to Egypt
Matthew for Everyone Part 1 - Travels to Egypt
by SPCK - N T Wright
Travels to Egypt Matthew 2.13-23 I was once preaching at a big Christmas service where a well-known historian, famous for his scepticism towards Christianity, had been persuaded to attend by his family. Afterwards, he approached me, all smiles. ‘I’ve finally worked out’, he decla
Early Christian Letters for Everyone - Transformed Living
Early Christian Letters for Everyone - Transformed Living
by SPCK - N T Wright
Transformed Living 1 Peter 4.1-11 My dental hygienist was enthusing the other day about a new kind of electric toothbrush. Only two minutes, she said, morning and night; that’s all it will take. Just what you need. I lay there in the chair, my mouth full of dentistry, and did the
2 Corinthians - Treasure in Earthenware Pots
2 Corinthians - Treasure in Earthenware Pots
by SPCK - N T Wright
Treasure in Earthenware Pots 2 CORINTHIANS 4.7-12 Sir Oliver Franks was one of the most distinguished men in Oxford during my time as an undergraduate. He had been a professor of philosophy at an early age; he had been head of an Oxford college, still very young; he had been chai
Acts for Everyone Part 2 - Warding off the Inevitable
Acts for Everyone Part 2 - Warding off the Inevitable
by SPCK - N T Wright
Warding off the Inevitable Acts 21.15-26 One of the oldest and best-known legends in English history is the story of King Canute. (He was probably called Knut or something like that, but we’ll leave him in his usual popular form for now.) According to the legend, he had his thron
Paul for Everyone The Prison Letters - Warning Signs on the Wrong Road
Paul for Everyone The Prison Letters - Warning Signs on the Wrong Road
by SPCK - N T Wright
Warning Signs on the Wrong Road Ephesians 2.1-7 Many years ago, I was staying for a few days in Cape Town, South Africa. Among the people I wanted to meet was an elderly man who lived on the edge of the city, in one of the outer suburbs. We arranged by telephone that I should dri
Paul for Everyone The Prison Letters - Warning: Don't Trust the Flesh
Paul for Everyone The Prison Letters - Warning: Don't Trust the Flesh
by SPCK - N T Wright
Warning: Don’t Trust in the Flesh Philippians 3.1-6 If you saw a movie advertisement which highlighted the word FLESH, you would know what it meant. Pornography, no doubt. Graphic sexual scenes, quite likely. Or at least that’s what they would want you to think, to try to lure yo
The Pastoral Letters - Vessels for God's Use