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Transformed Living
1 Peter 4.1-11

My dental hygienist was enthusing the other day about a new kind of electric toothbrush. Only two minutes, she said, morning and night; that’s all it will take. Just what you need.

I lay there in the chair, my mouth full of dentistry, and did the maths. Two minutes twice a day is roughly two hours a month, which means twenty-four hours every year! Fancy spending a whole day every year cleaning my teeth! When you look at it in little bits it doesn’t seem so much, but add it up and you realize just what an investment of time you are being asked to make. (And yes, I don’t want my teeth to fall out in my old age, so I have bought the machine, and intend to use it.)...

Taken from Early Christian Letters For Everyone by Tom Wright

Publisher: SPCK - view more
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