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Come and join our people’s praise
Come and join our people’s praise
by Avis Palmer
Come and join our people’s praise, Celebrate the many ways God is present, with us still. Found in talent and in skill. Paintings, photos, works of art, Flower arrangements play their part. Banners, crochet, quilts and lace, Witness God's creative grace. Music, poetry and song, T
Seeking, we come in faith
Seeking, we come in faith
by Michael Docker
Seeking, we come in faith, Trusting a greater truth Than anything the world can bring. Minds turned away from fear, Ready to pray and hear; We'll praise and worship, stay and sing. Asking, we come in hope, Needing a clearer scope Than anything the world can show. Hearts opened to
Hymn: We will hail the name of Jesus
Hymn: We will hail the name of Jesus
by Michael Docker
We will hail the name of Jesus, Lord of life, of death and birth; We'll proclaim his healing spirit Over all the wounds of earth: We'll proclaim him, (we'll proclaim him) Over all the wounds of earth. We will stand by Christ for ever, Hail his rising, his return, We'll proclaim h
New Testament Prayer for Everyone - The Inheritance and the Spirit
New Testament Prayer for Everyone - The Inheritance and the Spirit
by SPCK - N T Wright
PART 2 PRAYERS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT PRAYERS OF PAUL THE INHERITANCE AND THE SPIRIT Ephesians 1: 11-14 Not far from where I was born there is an ancient castle. It stands imposingly, high above the banks of a river, defying anyone to attack it. These days, the likely attacks come
Psalms for Everyone - On Facing Two Sets of Facts
Psalms for Everyone - On Facing Two Sets of Facts
by SPCK - John Goldingay
On Facing Two Sets of Facts Psalm 22: 19-31 Two friends of ours were giving us an amusing account of a difference they had discerned between the way they approach problems in their relationship and in other aspects of life. It was amusing yet also serious and profound. When there
Hymn: When my mind was double doubting
Hymn: When my mind was double doubting
by Andrew Pratt
When my mind was double doubting, when my brain was racked with pain, when no angels flew about me, when I thought I’d gone insane, suddenly God came and found me, brought me back to life again. Raise the roof with hallelujahs, paint the skies with psalms of praise, God has plumb
Hymn: The Psalmist calls for new songs praising God
Hymn: The Psalmist calls for new songs praising God
by Andrew Pratt
The Psalmist calls for new songs praising God but we prefer familiar words and ways. We hold and cage and mould God to our will, defending customs smothering our praise. A world-wide pool of images and grace informs our faith, re-vitalises hope, and so our view, so narrow and obs
New Testament Prayer for Everyone - Praying With Mind As Well As Spirit
New Testament Prayer for Everyone - Praying With Mind As Well As Spirit
by SPCK - N T Wright
PART 1 NEW TESTAMENT TEACHING ON PRAYER THE TEACHING OF PAUL PRAYING WITH MIND AS WELL AS SPIRIT 1 Corinthians 14: 13-19 When you look at another person, what do you see? I don’t mean what shape, what colour, what size of person are you looking at; I mean, how do you think about
Responsive Prayer: We cannot comprehend
Responsive Prayer: We cannot comprehend
by Andrew Pratt
Responsive Prayer: We cannot comprehend based on Psalm 147 We cannot comprehend the height and depth, the brightness and beauty of the stars above our heads, so in awe we praise you O God. You rebuild broken cities and gather together the outcasts, bringing peace we dare not imag
The shepherd of sheep scorns the safety of shelter
The shepherd of sheep scorns the safety of shelter
by Andrew Pratt
The shepherd of sheep scorns the safety of shelter, the wilderness beckons, the flock has run wild; but here in lush pasture, beside the still waters, the shepherd calls people, both parent and child. Verses 2-3 follow Tune: FRIARMERE VICARAGE (Hymns for Today’s Church 26; Jubila
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 17 Theology of Sexual Practice Joining the Body
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 17 Theology of Sexual Practice Joining the Body
by SPCK-Kenneth E. Bailey
Theology of Sexual Practice Joining the Body This homily presents the second half of Paul’s theological foundation for sexual ethics (6:13-20). He offers his views in a marvellously structured apostolic homily with ten cameos. The text is displayed in figure 2.4(1)… Taken from Pa
The Minister as Entrepreneur - 17 Teamwork and partnering with others
The Minister as Entrepreneur - 17 Teamwork and partnering with others
by SPCK - Michael Volland
Teamwork and partnering with others Each of the interview respondents spoke about working with (rather than working for) their congregations. In addition Roger, Rupert and Dan also spoke about working with other clergy, although only Jane and Susan spoke directly about working wi
Gazing on the Gospels Year B - Proper 9 Year B
Gazing on the Gospels Year B - Proper 9 Year B
by SPCK - Judith Dimond
Proper 9 Mark 6: 1-13 Gaze on all the preparations we make for a journey these days. Count the suitcases, shoulder bags, plastic bags, camera cases and picnic hampers that we pile into the back of the car. Today we even need ‘SatNav’ to find our way for us. Gone are the days when
Lectionary Reflections Year A - The Last Sunday after Trinity Year A