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Monologue:A chief priest
Monologue:A chief priest
by Marjorie Dobson
Monologue: A chief priest Ha! We’ve got him this time. It’s all over! Finished! Done! The whole sorry, sordid episode has come to an end. And, with their leader gone, it won’t take long to round up the rest of his followers and dispose of them too. The crowd is on our side now. I
John for Everyone part 2 - Peter Denies Jesus
John for Everyone part 2 - Peter Denies Jesus
by SPCK - N T Wright
Peter Denies Jesus John 18.15-27 There is a part of the human brain which seems to be closed off for much of the time, but which can be reached at once through the sense of smell. You can be walking down the street, thinking of something completely different, when a single sniff
Hebrews for Everyone - Melchizedek, the Great Priest-King
Hebrews for Everyone - Melchizedek, the Great Priest-King
by SPCK - N T Wright
Melchizedek, the Great Priest-King Hebrews 7.1-10 ‘I was telephoned by a Christian magazine a few months ago. They were running a feature on various writers and they wanted to know, among many other questions, which books I regarded as the most important in my thinking and my wor
Hebrews for Everyone - The Son Becomes the Priest
Hebrews for Everyone - The Son Becomes the Priest
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Son Becomes the Priest Hebrews 5.4-10 A man I know inherited a business from his father. It sounds rather a grand sort of thing: the son comes in, fresh from his excellent schooling, to sit in a splendid office next to that of his father, and to take over in due course, rulin
The Man Must Die
The Man Must Die
by David A. Campton
The Man Must Die Monologue based on Caiaphas Matthew 21: 12-16; 26: 1-5: Mark 11: 15-18; Luke 19: 45-48; John 2: 13-21; 18: 12- 14 The man must die. He is worse than that madman in the desert that Herod disposed of a few years ago. John the Baptizer... We breathed a sigh of relie
Hebrews for Everyone - The Promise of a New Covenant