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Meditation - 5th Sunday in Lent Year A
Meditation - 5th Sunday in Lent Year A
by David Middleton
Meditation- 5th Sunday in Lent Year A Why am I wrapped like a corpse? John 11: 1-45 ‘If only Jesus had been in Judea’, they lamented ‘our brother Lazarus would still be alive now not lying there cold in his tomb surrounded by all this crying and wailing.’ Mary and Martha had sen
Hymn: A troubled soul, the Christ of God
Hymn: A troubled soul, the Christ of God
by Andrew Pratt
A troubled soul, the Christ of God, humanity exposed, with all the turmoil that we feel, when choices are proposed. The monumental choice he faced, the crisis must be met, to take the path of love to death, or turn away, forget. Verses 2-3 follow Tune: ELLACOMBE Metre: DCM Andr
How God Became King - 6c Signposts of the Future Church
How God Became King - 6c Signposts of the Future Church
by SPCK - N T Wright
Signposts of the Future Church All this encourages us to reread the gospels once more with a view to seeing the ways in which they were sketching out the ground for the life of the church. The most obvious passages, I suppose, are the commissionings of the disciples, both during
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