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A counsel not to despair
A counsel not to despair
by Michaela Youngson
Reflection: A counsel not to despair Based on Isaiah 40 The writer of Isaiah 40 takes great pains to remind the people of Israel of the full majesty of God the Creator. In wonderful poetry he writes of God ‘who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them like a ten
Numbers and Deuteronomy for Everyone - Ensuring justice
Numbers and Deuteronomy for Everyone - Ensuring justice
by SPCK - John Goldingay
Ensuring Justice NUMBERS 35:1- 36: 13 A Florida lawyer commented this month that it is becoming more and more common to hear news accounts of people convicted of first-degree murder, sentenced to death, then released many years later after it is determined (usually through DNA te
Exodus and Leviticus - My People - Your God
Exodus and Leviticus - My People - Your God
by SPCK - John Goldingay
My People – Your God EXODUS 6: 2- 7: 13 I am discussing their wedding with a young couple in my student Bible-study group. The wedding is a lovely thing to be involved in, and not only because it will happen within sight of the beach but because it brings home to me as a Brit one
Traces of Advent - Come