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Turn my heart
Turn my heart
by Angelika Figura
Original image “Heart in the sky' by Angelika Figura Image modified and text added by Twelvebaskets Ltd Text from Bible Gateway: New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the Unite
Open with God Book - May - International Day of the Family (May 15)
Open with God Book - May - International Day of the Family (May 15)
by Christine Odell
May – International day of the Family (15 May) Calendar of Prayers Reading Ephesians 3.14-19 God, our heavenly Father and Mother, we thank you for families: for the family of humankind rich in its diversity; for the family of the church, sisters and brothers in Jesus; for our own
Meditation - 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
Meditation - 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
by David Middleton
Meditation – 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr B Sin Mark 9: 38-50 Lord, sin is one of those words I don't like to mention, not really, it worries me, the very word puts me on edge, It makes me feel uncomfortable. I know I am guilty of … sin... Created by David Middleton on behalf
Lectionary Reflection Year C - Proper 21 Year C
Lectionary Reflection Year C - Proper 21 Year C
by SPCK - Jane Williams
Proper 21 Amos 6.1a, 4–7 1 Timothy 6.6–19 Luke 16.19–31 The people who know about these things generally seem to agree that the Pastoral Letters (1 and 2 Timothy and Titus) were not written by the apostle Paul, at least as they now stand. They have all kinds of good reasons for s
The Womens' Bible Commentary - Success Dependent on Building the Temple
The Womens' Bible Commentary - Success Dependent on Building the Temple
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
Success Dependent on Building the Temple The all-male tone of Haggai is set by the book’s opening verse, which names six men: the Persian king, two Judean leaders, their fathers, and the prophet…
Twelve Months of Sundays Year B - Proper 13 - Year B
Twelve Months of Sundays Year B - Proper 13 - Year B
by SPCK - N T Wright
Proper 13 Year B Twelve months of Sundays Hands up those who took one look at this week’s Old Testament lesson and gave it a wide berth. All right; now hands up those who seized upon it as a chance to preach on How Not To Commit Immorality. Full marks to the lectionary for includ
Prayer: Discerning God
Prayer: Discerning God
by Marjorie Dobson
Prayer: Discerning God Discerning God, how often our behaviour must frustrate and concern you. We behave so foolishly, thinking that you do not know when we have been selfish, greedy and uncaring in our attitudes towards others. We forget that when our petty squabbles turn into o
Imagining the Lectionary: Hall of Mirrors (Proper 22B/Ordinary 27B)
Imagining the Lectionary: Hall of Mirrors (Proper 22B/Ordinary 27B)
by David Perry
Imagining the Lectionary: Hall of Mirrors (Proper 22B/Ordinary 27B) (Reflection accompanying image “Hall of Mirrors”) "He is the reflection of God’s glory and the exact imprint of God’s very being" (Hebrews 1:3) Entering into the visionary world of the gospel as lived out by Jesu
New Testament Prayer for Everyone - ASK, SEARCH, KNOCK
New Testament Prayer for Everyone - ASK, SEARCH, KNOCK
by SPCK - N T Wright
PART 1 NEW TESTAMENT TEACHING ON PRAYER THE TEACHING OF JESUS ASK, SEARCH, KNOCK Matthew 7: 7-12 I hate fundraising. Many people are good at it; many actually enjoy it; but I can’t stand it. I hate asking people for things anyway, and asking for money is the worst of all. As a re
Mark The People's Bible Commentary - The Fruitless Fig Tree
Mark The People's Bible Commentary - The Fruitless Fig Tree
by BRF - Dick France
The FRUITLESS FIG TREE A pointless display of power? Interwoven with Jesus’ attack on the traders in the temple is the story of his cursing and destruction of a fig tree because it had no fruit. Jesus’ other miracles save life and restore health, but this one seems quite out of c
With My WholeHeart - Psalm 37: 4, 7, 32
With My WholeHeart - Psalm 37: 4, 7, 32
by SPCK - James Jones
Psalm 37. 4, 7, 32 The promise of God to give us our heart’s desires is conditional. When our heart is in tune with God’s heart and hence our will with his will then, as Jesus said, ‘Ask for whatever you wish, and it will be done for you’ (John 15.7 nrsv). The secret is to stay c
Secondary Schools Assemblies Resource Book - St Valentine's Day
Secondary Schools Assemblies Resource Book - St Valentine's Day
Secondary Schools Assemblies Resource Book THROUGH THE YEAR ST VALENTINE’S DAY By Stuart Kerner Suitable for Whole School Aim To consider what love really means. Preparation and materials • Prepare a large photocopy, OHP transparency or PowerPoint slide of the statue of Eros: som
Twelve Months of Sundays Year B - Proper 20 Year B