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Acts for Everyone Part 2 - A Huge Row
Acts for Everyone Part 2 - A Huge Row
by SPCK - N T Wright
A Huge Row Acts 15.36-41 There is no point beating about the bush with this one. There are times in church work when leaders, including bishops, really want to knock two people’s heads together and tell them not to be so pig-brained (though actually most pigs wouldn’t dream of be
Acts for Everyone Part 2 - A Year in Corinth
Acts for Everyone Part 2 - A Year in Corinth
by SPCK - N T Wright
A Year in Corinth Acts 18.1-11 This morning, knowing I was going to be thinking about Corinth, I helped myself to a big bowl of Greek yoghurt and honey for breakfast. It still takes me straight back to the little streetside cafe where, in the early 1990s, I first tasted that simp
Paul for Everyone Romans part 1 - Abraham is the Father of All Believers
Paul for Everyone Romans part 1 - Abraham is the Father of All Believers
by SPCK - N T Wright
Abraham Is the Father of All Believers ROMANS 4.13-17 I had an angry email today from a Jewish Christian who objected strongly to something I had said, very cautiously, about the current problems in the Middle East. (I lived and worked in Jerusalem some years ago, and I still hav
Paul for Everyone Romans part 1 - Abraham the Father of Both Uncircumcised and Circumcised
Paul for Everyone Romans part 1 - Abraham the Father of Both Uncircumcised and Circumcised
by SPCK - N T Wright
Abraham the Father of Both Uncircumcised and Circumcised ROMANS 4.9-12 One of the most solemn moments of a wedding ceremony comes when the bride and groom give or exchange rings. I have taken many weddings in my time. I have also stood there as a proud father for the weddings of
Revelation for Everyone - A Little Scroll
Revelation for Everyone - A Little Scroll
by SPCK - N T Wright
A Little Scroll Revelation 10.1-11 One of the most famous baseball umpires of all time, Bill Klem, earned his reputation by insisting that the umpire’s word was not only final, but in a sense creative. On one celebrated occasion, he waited a long time to call a particular pitch.
Paul for Everyone Romans part 2 - Abraham's Two Families
Paul for Everyone Romans part 2 - Abraham's Two Families
by SPCK - N T Wright
Abraham’s Two Families ROMANS 9.6-13 When you walk or drive through unfamiliar territory, you have to rely on the map. It is the bottom line. If you find yourself somewhere you didn’t expect, you scratch your head, get out the map again, and figure out where you went wrong. You m
John for Everyone Part 1 - Adultery and Hypocrisy
John for Everyone Part 1 - Adultery and Hypocrisy
by SPCK - N T Wright
Adultery and Hypocrisy John 7.53-8.11 Two women were brought before the young king. They were prostitutes, and shared a house. Both had given birth, but the son of one of them had died. Now both were claiming the living son as their own. How could anyone tell (in the days before
Paul for Everyone: Galatians and Thessalonians - Abraham's Two Sons
Paul for Everyone: Galatians and Thessalonians - Abraham's Two Sons
by SPCK - N T Wright
Abraham’s Two Sons Galatians 4.21-31 Not long ago, there was an international rugby match played in pouring rain. The pitch became muddier and muddier, and the players got dirtier and dirtier. The spectators couldn’t tell which side was which. Then the referee discovered that eve
John for Everyone part 2 - Another Helper
John for Everyone part 2 - Another Helper
by SPCK - N T Wright
Another Helper John 14.12-21 ‘If only we’d been there when Jesus was around!’ people often say. ‘It would have been so much easier. He would have explained everything to us, and told us what to do. And he’d have been such an encouragement. Whatever we were doing, he’d be positive
The Pastoral Letters - Appointing Elders
The Pastoral Letters - Appointing Elders
by SPCK - N T Wright
Appointing Elders Titus 1.5-9 The worst moment was when we realized the pilot had no idea what to do next. We were travelling in a light aircraft, going north from Pretoria in South Africa into Zimbabwe, or Rhodesia as it was then called. There were five of us in the plane: the p
Hebrews for Everyone - Are You Ready for Solid Food?
Hebrews for Everyone - Are You Ready for Solid Food?
by SPCK - N T Wright
Are You Ready for Solid Food? Hebrews 5.11-14 I saw in the newspaper this morning a delightful photograph of a Nepalese royal baby. The Kingdom of Nepal suffered a severe blow a few years ago when a member of the royal family shot dead several of his relatives. Now, with a new ge
John for Everyone part 2 - Ask, and You Will Receive
John for Everyone part 2 - Ask, and You Will Receive
by SPCK - N T Wright
Ask, and You Will Receive John 16.23-33 In the world of business you can often tell how important someone is by finding out how many people you have to ‘go through’, as we say, in order to speak to them. You telephone, hoping for a word with the chairman of the company. You get t
Paul for Everyone The Prison Letters - Blessings on the Sovereign God
Paul for Everyone The Prison Letters - Blessings on the Sovereign God
by SPCK - N T Wright
Blessings on the Sovereign God Ephesians 1.1-3 The most successful tourist attraction to appear in London in recent years is the ‘London Eye’. From a distance it looks like a giant Ferris wheel, but this is no fun-fair ride. For a start, it’s far, far bigger: it rises to 450 feet
Paul for Everyone The Prison Letters - Beware of Deceivers
Paul for Everyone The Prison Letters - Beware of Deceivers
by SPCK - N T Wright
Beware of Deceivers Colossians 2.8-12 One of the greatest philosophers of the seventeenth century was John Locke (1632–1704).He rejected several previous schemes of thought and sketched out a way of looking at the world which influenced the thought not only of his native England
The Pastoral Letters - Beware of False Teaching!
The Pastoral Letters - Beware of False Teaching!
by SPCK - N T Wright
Beware of False Teaching! 1Timothy 4.1-5 Jane grew up in a family which was always playing games. Outdoor games, whenever possible; but if the weather was bad, and especially on long winter evenings, the children would curl up around the fire and play – well, you name it: Scrabbl
Luke for Everyone - Entering through the Narrow Door
Luke for Everyone - Entering through the Narrow Door
by SPCK - N T Wright
Entering through the Narrow Door Luke 13.22-30 I sat in the airport for two hours, waiting for my onward flight. I had come in to New York on a flight from England, and I was tired and eager to catch the connection to Washington, to get to where I was staying, and to rest for the
Revelation for Everyone - Four Horsemen
Revelation for Everyone - Four Horsemen
by SPCK - N T Wright
Four Horsemen Revelation 6.1-8 All doctors, and all pastors, know that when someone comes to them with a problem, the problem they talk about may not be the only problem they have. The pain that gets someone into the doctor’s surgery may well be only a symptom of much deeper ills
Paul for Everyone: Galatians and Thessalonians - Final Exhortations