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Reflection on John 17: 1-11
Reflection on John 17: 1-11
by Marjorie Dobson
Reflection on John 17: 1-11 Ascension John 17: 1-11 Facing the biggest crisis of his life, with friends ready to betray him and enemies waiting to execute him, Jesus still took time to pray. Though he anticipated death, he believed that God’s glory would be shown as death was d
Times and Seasons - Vulnerability and Hope: Prayer of Thanksgiving
Times and Seasons - Vulnerability and Hope: Prayer of Thanksgiving
by Jan Berry
VULNERABILITY AND HOPE: A PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING God, maker of the earth, we thank you for this broken bread; in its fragments we find you, sharing our vulnerability, waiting with us in patient helplessness and impatient rage. We thank you for our brokenness embodied in your comi
Poem: Strange witnesses
Poem: Strange witnesses
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Strange witnesses Strange witnesses to chose – who had been speaking of unbelievable stories, now imagining ghostly happenings, not believing their own eyes, Strange words Jesus chose – ‘Peace be with you,’ offered to frightened minds scared by his presence and looking for
Open with God Book - July - NCH (week 29)
Open with God Book - July - NCH (week 29)
by Christine Odell
July – NCH Action for Children (week 29) Calendar of Prayers Reading Matthew 18.2-7 This prayer could be adapted for other children’s charities. Have a small display of pictures, information and/or small items associated with childhood. Living God, we thank you for the mysterious
Meditation: Majestic God - Psalm 97
Meditation: Majestic God - Psalm 97
by Andrew Pratt
Meditation: Majestic God - Psalm 97 (97:1) The LORD is king! Let the earth rejoice; let the many coastlands be glad! (97:2) Clouds and thick darkness are all around him; righteousness and justice are the foundation of his throne. (97:3) Fire goes before him, and consumes his adve
Arthur's Call - Foreword
Arthur's Call - Foreword
by SPCK - Frances Young
Foreword ‘Arthur is seriously brain-damaged and unable to develop normally.’ This was what Frances Young was told when Arthur was a few months old. Frances, then a mother with her first child, now a Methodist minister and former Edward Cadbury Professor of Theology in the Univers
Recovering from Depression - What are we recovering from?
Recovering from Depression - What are we recovering from?
by SPCK - Katharine Smith
What are we recovering from? One of the most surprising things for me about recovering from depression is that for a lot of the time I can’t actually remember just how dreadful it was to be under such a dark and heavy cloud. It is, of course, wonderful and hugely encouraging to h
1 and 2 Samuel for Everyone - The God of the Storm
1 and 2 Samuel for Everyone - The God of the Storm
by SPCK - John Goldingay
The God of the Storm 2 Samuel 22: 1- 20 The song says, “It never rains in Southern California,” but it goes on to say that they never warn you that it does sometimes pour. I myself never needed galoshes in Britain, where we usually have only gentle rain, though we have it rather
The Post Evangelical - 6 "Let me tell you a story"
The Post Evangelical - 6 "Let me tell you a story"
by SPCK - Dave Tomlinson
6 “Let me tell you a story” We have already touched on the subject of postmodernism and we now need to look at this a little more closely. I have referred several times to the fact that the Western world is in a state of flux and that the modern world, stretching back to the Enli
The Womens' Bible Commentary - Jerusalem’s Fall and Future
The Womens' Bible Commentary - Jerusalem’s Fall and Future
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
Jerusalem’s Fall and Future The second round of judgment/promise begins with a specific and detailed oracle against Jerusalem. The imagery here is graphic; it describes the rulers’ oppressive behaviour as tearing off the skin and flesh, consuming the people (3:1–3)…
1 and 2 Samuel for Everyone - Yahweh's Good Spirit and Yahweh's Bad Spirit
1 and 2 Samuel for Everyone - Yahweh's Good Spirit and Yahweh's Bad Spirit
by SPCK - John Goldingay
Yahweh’s Good Spirit and Yahweh’s Bad Spirit 1 Samuel 15: 34- 16: 23 I was recently reading a profile of Clint Eastwood; it was this profile that made me think about his movie Unforgiven in connection with 1 Samuel 13. In that and other later movies he is both actor and director,
Poem: Oh why are we searching from cradle to manger?
Poem: Oh why are we searching from cradle to manger?
by Andrew Pratt
Poem: Oh why are we searching from cradle to manger? Luke 2: 41-52 Oh why are we searching from cradle to manger? From Christmas to Easter God comes as a stranger. From Bethlehem's stable, a child in a temple, two people in exile, a man with a temper, Beyond all the tinsel the st
With My WholeHeart - Psalm 53:1, 3
With My WholeHeart - Psalm 53:1, 3
by SPCK - James Jones
Psalm 53:1, 3 The Bible offers no arguments for the existence of God. It doesn’t engage with the intellectual case for or against. It simply assumes God. It makes me think that the person this psalm has in mind is not the atheist or agnostic who wrestles with questions of faith b
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B - Friday: Week 4 in Lent Year B