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The Persistent Widow and the Unjust Judge
The Persistent Widow and the Unjust Judge
by Dave Hopwood
The Great and the Good Bible Ref: Matthew 19-20 & 26; Mark 10 & 14; Luke 17-19; John 11 & 12 Each of the following sketches (scenes) can be used to form the basis for a complete act of worship or used as individual scenes on separate occasions. Each scene will require a narrator
Drama/dialogue: The unjust judge
Drama/dialogue: The unjust judge
by Marjorie Dobson
Drama/dialogue: The unjust judge (Three characters – woman, judge and narrator. A slight pause is needed after each of the judge’s comments.) Woman: I won’t stop knocking on your door. I won’t stop shouting at your window. I won’t give up until you listen. You can’t get rid of me
The young widow goes to a strange land
The young widow goes to a strange land
by Rev. Margaret Roe
Ruth explains why she returns with Naomi to Bethlehem. Ruth ch1 The young widow goes to a strange land It was an impassioned speech, I don’t know where it came from. I would go with her wherever she went. Stay wherever she did. And I would identify myself with her people, the Jew
Weeping woman, widowed, wailing
Weeping woman, widowed, wailing
by Marjorie Dobson
Weeping woman, widowed, wailing – all her life, men round her ailing. Now, with grief, her own heart failing. Who can help at times like this? Husband died, though not long married. Now her son is coffin-carried. From now on her life is arid. Who can help at times like this? Vers
Poem: Zarephath
Poem: Zarephath
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Zarephath A few sticks for a fire, a handful of flour, a little oil in a jug and a strange man asking to be fed: not a very promising recipe for success. A widow woman with an ailing son, a suspicious promise from a stranger and a drought that showed no sign of ending: not
Imagining the Lectionary: Appearance and separation (Proper 27B, Ordinary 32B)
Imagining the Lectionary: Appearance and separation (Proper 27B, Ordinary 32B)
by David Perry
Imagining the Lectionary: Appearance and separation (Proper 27B/Ordinary 32B) Reflection accompanying images “Autumnal kaleidoscope” and “Autumn leaves fallen” We all fade like a leaf and our iniquities, like the wind, take us away (Isaiah 64:6) As he taught, he said, “Beware o
Poem: Ruth
Poem: Ruth
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Ruth Today I look with love upon this child - the baby that I never thought to bear - and, when he hears the story of my life, he’ll know he owes his being to God’s care. Those days in Moab seem so long ago, my family home a strange and distant place, for I have learned to
Drama - A Fair result
Drama - A Fair result
by Kit Walkham
A modern interpretation of the parable of the unjust judge and persistent widow. Three characters - written for women, but easily adapted. A fair result, by Kit Walkham Characters: Melissa (celebrity), Sandy (showjumper), Janine (reporter). Could be adapted for any or all to be
In pious tones we worship God
In pious tones we worship God
by Andrew Pratt
In pious tones we worship God, with cheerful songs of praise, while all that God has sought of us is justice all our days. We sing our hymns and pray our prayers oblivious to need, while near our doors the poor will die. Ours is a hollow creed. Verses 3-4 follow Tune: WILTSHIRE M
The Poor Widow's Expensive Offering
The Poor Widow's Expensive Offering
by Dave Hopwood
Triumph, Tears and Talents Bible Ref: Matthew 21-26; Mark 11-14; Luke 19-22; John 11&12 Each of the following sketches (scenes) can be used to form the basis for a complete act of worship or used as individual scenes on separate occasions. Each scene will require a narrator to re
The Widow of Nain
The Widow of Nain
by Dave Hopwood
A Matter of Life and Death Bible Ref: Matthew 8,9,& 11 -13; Mark 3&4; Luke 7&8 Each of the following sketches (scenes) can be used to form the basis for a complete act of worship or used as individual scenes on separate occasions. Each scene will require a narrator to read the
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B - Easter Friday Year B
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B - Easter Friday Year B
by SPCK - N T Wright
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B EASTER FRIDAY... The old ones are the best. ‘I was on a plane,’ said the comedian Bob Hope, ‘and suddenly it started to go into a spin and head straight for earth. Everybody was panicking and someone said, “Do something religious!” ‘So,’ he said, ‘I
Meditation - 2th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C