In radiant clouds of glory, in teeming stars of night,
In ocean worlds unfathomed, in earth and air and light,
In each astounding creature as it swims or creeps or wings,
In evolution’s miracle – from chaos beauty springs –
We see in ev’ry comet’s trail, in ev’ry path we’ve trod,
One Truth, one Myst’ry, one Deep Reality, one God.
And in the eyes of children, the courage of the bold,
The trials of striving youth, the kind wisdom of the old;
In longing of all humankind to touch the Cosmic Soul,
To mirror the Compassionate and grow a heart that’s whole;
And in that face of Jesus from which Divinity
Shone out the answ’ring light of fulfilled humanity;
Verses 3-4 follow
Copyright 2011 John Schimminger
In ocean worlds unfathomed, in earth and air and light,
In each astounding creature as it swims or creeps or wings,
In evolution’s miracle – from chaos beauty springs –
We see in ev’ry comet’s trail, in ev’ry path we’ve trod,
One Truth, one Myst’ry, one Deep Reality, one God.
And in the eyes of children, the courage of the bold,
The trials of striving youth, the kind wisdom of the old;
In longing of all humankind to touch the Cosmic Soul,
To mirror the Compassionate and grow a heart that’s whole;
And in that face of Jesus from which Divinity
Shone out the answ’ring light of fulfilled humanity;
Verses 3-4 follow
Copyright 2011 John Schimminger
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