The Vine
Seeking an authentic, challenging voice, rooted in the experiences of the twenty-first century church, which speaks to us of God’s vision for our lives and the world.
The Vine is a weekly, lectionary based, ready-to-use act of worship for your church. These resources, delivered to your inbox every month, are not just a sticking plaster for a shortage of preachers and ministers, but a means to discovering new skills, abilities and a sense of our calling. We know that things are changing in the Church and the response we have had from users of The Vine clearly shows us that where churches are accepting these changes, and stepping up and taking responsibility for worship, they are discovering that the Spirit is truly with them. The Vine is enabling whole new groups of people to bring of themselves in worship, and developing opportunities for Sunday worship to once again become an invitational tool – where you have been involved in putting the service together, perhaps you are more willing and confident in inviting others to join you…
These resources are not just to cover for the current shortage of Local Preachers and Ministers to lead worship. The feedback shows us that congregations are finding a new way of sharing faith and leading each other in worship, with The Vine being at the heart of these services. Growing in confidence, deepening faith and developing the ability to express their discipleship in their own words.
The services are commissioned and edited by Tim Baker, and feature voices such as John Birch (SPCK author), Barbara Glasson (former President of Methodist Church), Christine Elliot (Director of International Programmes, Churches Together in Britain and Ireland), the Joint Public Issues Team (JPIT), All We Can and many more.
To receive a subscription for your church (licensing your church to use The Vine resources under copyright law), contact us at
So how does it work?
The Vine is available as single-church subscription of £50 for 12 months. This entitles you to add two email address to our circulation list for The Vine resources for the 12 months following payment, and gives you a licence to use The Vine resources in your church (these resources are otherwise covered by copyright law).
You can sign up now by emailing your church name, address and the details of the emails you wish to add to our circulation to