The Vine
Fully scripted local arrangement services for every Sunday - available here.
Is your church and circuit facing a rising number of local arrangements, a shortage of preachers or a sense that your Sunday worship is missing something?
The Vine resources are weekly local arrangement services sent direct to your inbox, designed to turn the challenge many of our circuits have with filling the plan into an opportunity to reinvigorate our worship.
The services are edited by Tim Baker, with contributions from a range of writers and thinkers. At The Vine, we believe that Sunday worship is an important part of Christian discipleship and vital in equipping and enabling people to live out their faith in the rest of the week. That’s why we are investing in producing high-quality resources for churches to use.
Circuits can subscribe for a year’s worth of Vine services for £28.50 per church. Please email thevine@twelvebaskets.co.uk to find out more and request a registration form to sign your circuit up.
Please note, The Vine is only available as a circuit license: all churches in the circuit must subscribe.