1 John 1:1-2:2
A reflection By James Morley
In the beginning,
your breath spoke life into creation.
In the beginning,
I wasn’t there so how can I know?
At the beginning of each day,
I see the beauty of a sunrise;
I hear birds sing their dawnrise song of praise;
I taste goodness in food from the toil of hand and earth;
I feel the awakening wind, the warming sun, the cleansing rain;
And I know that you are.
You are light,
banishing the darkness of sin and death.
You are light,
have I ever seen you face to face, how can I know?
I see the light,
as tunnels end, hope out of despair;
I feel the lightness of burdens lifted;
I experience the light of love in the touch of a friend;
I hear the light of compassion in a listening ear;
I look back and I know that, what I thought was darkness,
is merely the shadow of your empty cross.