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More a ‘dramatic reading’ than a true sketch, it operates as a commentary upon or elaboration of themes from the familiar Biblical narrative and may be usefully presented following the Biblical reading. You need a narrator and 6-11 actors ("doubling" of parts is possible)

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A Raft of Lessons from Noah

Premise: This sketch, adapted from a piece called 'Lessons from Noah's Ark' (origin
unknown1) operates as a commentary upon or elaboration of some of themes contained in the familiar Biblical narrative of Noah and the Ark. More a 'dramatic reading' than a true sketch, it may be usefully presented following the Biblical reading.

Biblical Basis: Genesis 6,7,8,9
Lectionary Link: Ord. Time 9A   Ord. Time 10C [2nd]  Harvest

Personnel: INTRODUCER, 11 actors of varying ages. (If eleven others cannot be found or the playing space is insufficient, then, other than the INTRODUCER, the actors may simply double-up, each taking two lines).

Props: ear-muffs, umbrella, rainbow (on card sufficiently big enough to be visible to all).

Set: empty playing space. INTRODUCER stands at reading desk or lectern at one side
of playing space. Ten others enter and line up facing audience. They are all clearly waiting for someone who is late - they look at watches and at one another, raise eyebrows, shrug shoulders etc. Eventually the INTRODUCER can wait no longer

Performance Note: Actors should speak very clearly and allow a pause between the short sentences for the audience to absorb what has been said

A Raft of Lessons from Noah

INTRODUCER: It was when Noah's Ark had landed safely on dry ground after nine months floating on the Flood that God promised:

As long as the earth endures, seed time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night shall not cease. And, as a reminder of this solemn promise, God set a rainbow in the sky. (pause)

Everything I need to know about life, I learned from Noah's Ark.

(pregnant pause. ACTORS look around - someone is missing?)

1: (rushing on to receive glares and the tapping of wrists from the others)
Don't miss the boat.

2: (looking around at the others and the congregation)
Remember that we are all in the same boat.

3: (holding out hand as if trying to "feel" for rain, looking upwards)
Plan ahead. It wasn't raining when Noah built the Ark.

4: (jogging on the spot, touching toes, stretching etc.)
Stay fit. When you're 600 years old, someone may ask you to do something really big.

5: (putting on ear muffs)
Don't listen to critics. Just get on with the job that needs to be done.

continues ......

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