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This resource was prepared to run alongside the advent journey - Stop, look, listen, walk. It includes activities and a reflection for each week of advent as we prepare for Christmas. These were prepared for the nursery families at church with invitations to the Christmas services but they would also be suitable for other children's groups or uniformed organisations which meet in the church.

Stop, Look, Listen, Walk - A four week advent journey for all ages.
Christmas is coming (as if we didn’t know!) We are surrounded by the invitation to get ahead, prepare and plan from September, and for many of us planning ahead is helpful to avoid a last minute panic and rush.  All over the world Christians mark out the four weeks before Christmas as ‘advent’ -  a time to stop and think about the first Christmas and the way that Jesus still meets us, changes us, challenges us and loves us today.   These activities are written to help you look at advent through the themes of stop, look, listen and walk. In this time of preparation may you find some of the stillness and peace, the wonder and excitement of Christ’s coming.
To Do: Make some time to stop this week. Watch television together, read a book together, cook together. Enjoy being with other.
Reflect: Jesus grew up in a family too -  there would have been concerns about money, work, schooling, other family members.  God understands us because he has experienced what we experience.
To Do: Tell the Christmas story together – either from a book or from memory. Use lego people, dolls or other figures to act out the story. Use tea-towels and tinsel to make quick shepherd and angel costumes.
Reflect: Why did God choose all these different people to be in the Christmas story? They all had a different story to tell – they all brought their own experience to the story.  We all have our own stories to tell and all of those stories, no matter what our age or background, are important to God.


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