The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing But…
Bible Ref: Matthew 16-18; Mark 8 & 9; Luke 9; John 7-8
Each of the following sketches (scenes) can be used to form the basis for a complete act of worship or used as individual scenes on separate occasions. Each scene will require a narrator to read the linking text as well as the characters in the scene itself.
List of scenes:
The Yeast of the Pharisees
Jesus Heals a Blind Man
Peter's Declaration about Jesus
The Transfiguration
Jesus Heals a Deaf and Dumb Boy
Money from a Fish's Mouth
Become Like a Child
Who is the Greatest?
The Unforgiving Servant
Thunderbolts from Heaven on a Samaritan Village
Counting the Cost
The Temple Guards
The Woman Caught in Adultery
Counting the Cost
As Jesus and his friends walked along a fellow traveller came alongside them.
Andrew: Lord, there’s a man here who’s asking to join us.
Traveller: Lord, I’ve heard all about your teaching and I promise I will follow you wherever you go.
Jesus: Will you? Consider it carefully – foxes have holes, birds of the air have nests… but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head. Do you have a home?
Traveller: Yes and a family.
Jesus: Will you miss them?
Permission is hereby given for this material to be performed before a live non-paying audience or for any non-profit or charitable occasion. This sketch may be printed by the purchaser for use by amateurs within their organisation only on condition that such copies are not given, lent or sold to any other organisation or individual. Reproduction or transmission in any form or by any means other than stated above is forbidden without written permission from the publisher: Active Media Publishing Ltd, 71 Lowther Road, Dunstable, Bedfordshire LU6 3LN Tel: 01582 603413
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