A prayer for Pentecost with responses.
Pentecost is indeed a time of celebration. A celebration
that two thousand years of oppression have failed to extinguish.
God of Pentecost
ALL: Keep alight your fire in our hearts
It's a celebration that remembers the surprise
on the faces of those gathered on that first Pentecost
when they heard your word speaking to their hearts.
God of Pentecost
ALL: Keep alight your fire in our hearts
It's a celebration that remembers the generations of disciples
who have carried the torch of your flame
to the furthest corners of this world in which we live.
God of Pentecost
ALL: Keep alight your fire in our hearts
It's a celebration that remembers the warm feeling in our hearts
when we first heard you speaking directly to us
through your word and your messengers.
God of Pentecost ......