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Prayers for use throughout the season of Lent, including responses and verses from the Psalms. Lord, your love extends to the boundaries of the universe yet is focused on humankind; weak, sinful, helpless, blown this-way-and-that-way individuals who you count as your children, wanting nothing more than to welcome them into your arms, prodigals returning to their Father. Your word is a lamp to my feet ALL: And a light for my path.

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Also available by same author:

Lent Prayer week One - Click Here    Lent Prayer week Two - Click Here

Lent Prayer week Three - Click Here   Lent Prayer week Four - Click Here


Lord, your word which summoned this world into existence, brought order out of chaos and beauty out of the formless, has infused the very air we breathe with the precious perfume of your love. This word is the light by which our journey is illuminated, the light by which we see the beauty of this world, and the light we pass to those who would join us travelling in the joy of your company.


Lord, your love extends to the boundaries of the universe yet is focused on humankind; weak, sinful, helpless, blown this-way-and-that-way individuals who you count as your children, wanting nothing more than to welcome them into your arms, prodigals returning to their Father.

Your word is a lamp to my feet

And a light for my path.

Lord, your love extends to the boundaries of humankind, to rich and poor, have and have-nots, oppressor and oppressed, thief and victim, for we are all inheritors of a fallen nature and all in need of your forgiveness. We pray for all your children wherever they might be, in their joy and sorrow, fear and loathing, pain and suffering; that your word might comfort, your love heal and restore.

Your word is a lamp to my feet

And a light for my path.

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