Joy | Fruit of the Spirit
Taken from 50 Praise, Pray and Play Sessions
What is the difference between 'joy' and 'happiness'? Happiness can come from temporary things, such as eating an ice cream or watching a film. It may involve an element of selfishness: if one football team beats another, their supporters will be happy at the expense of the other team's supporters. Joy, as a God-given gift, has an intensity that blesses other people beyond ourselves and lasts longer. Jesus felt great joy when the 72 trainees he had sent out returned with reports of all they had experienced (Luke 10:17-21).
Session aim
To understand that God's Spirit brings joy - something deeper than happiness.
From 50 Praise, Pray and Play Sessions - Easy-to-run all-age outlines for use throughout the week by Rona Orme.