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Sunday Next Before Lent – Year B

Lord of glory
We behold the mystery of your love.

With the eyes of faith, deepen our vision, O Lord, that we may see
more fully the splendour of your creation.
Bathe your Church in your glory and light . . .
Renew our commitment to tell of your wonders.

With the eyes of faith, reveal anew the challenge of your Kingdom.
Give to political leaders zeal for your justice and harmony . . .
Unite all people in common purpose and peace.

With the eyes of faith, open our sight to the good in our neighbours of
all ages.
We give thanks for those whose hopefulness transforms everyone they
meet . . .
Give us thankful hearts with which to praise you.

With the eyes of faith, we hold before you all who feel under a cloud of
despair or anxiety.
Bless all who are ill . . .
Enfold us in your love.

With the eyes of faith, grant us to trust in your unfailing promise of
We commit to you all who have died . . .
Christ, risen and enthroned in majesty, raise us all to be with you for

Taken from Intercessions for Years A, B and C by Ian Black
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