Take A Break: Summer Family Service
1. Welcome and Opening Prayer
2. Hymn
3. Drama disguised as talk: The World Never Gives Us A Break
Speaker: Schools out for the summer and so today we are thinking about holidays.
Now, I know it is very important when we’re doing a talk at a family service that we have some visual
aids so I’ve brought one with me today…
[Holidaymaker: person dressed in holiday attire enters with small suitcase]
Speaker: (indicating suitcase) What’s that?
Holiday maker: My suitcase
Speaker: Well that’s not nearly big enough.
Holiday maker: I’m only going away for a few days. I only need a few things.
Speaker: Don’t be ridiculous. You’re going to need a lot more than that. Here borrow mine.
(Speaker gives him a massive suitcase and puts it on the floor open)
Holiday maker: Honestly, I don’t need much.
Speaker: Ssssh, sssssh, you clearly don’t know anything about how to have a good holiday.
Right first you will need a full holiday wardrobe
(speaker puts lots of clothes in the suitcase, listing them and saying how in fashion they are)
And then if you are going to look good in all that, no offence but you are going to need to get
into shape, here take these (puts in some dumbells or other exercise equipment) and you’ll
need the scales. Now what were you planning to do when you got there?
4. Confession
5. Absolution
6. Hymn
7. Reading: Matthew 11:28-30
8. Talk: I think I may have overfilled [name’s] suitcase a bit there…
9. Hymn
10: Illustrated Intercessions:
12. Notices
13. Hymn
14. Blessing