The Miracle Man, or If Dr Seuss Had Written a Gospel, is a poem in the style of the Dr Seuss poems, telling the story of Jesus, from his birth to his resurrection. It is suitable for use at Easter and ends with an evangelistic challenge.
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You all know the story of old Bethlehem
Of the poor lowly shepherds and wealthy wise men
Who worshipped a King laid in straw on the floor
of a stable - for this was a King who was poor
This King was so poor, no one knew he had come
‘Cept the shepherds and wise men and Mary, his mum
And the thousands of angels who turned up to sing
Oh, and Joseph, his father – let’s not forget him
So apart from the wise men, the shepherds, the angels
And Joseph and Mary and the beasts in the stable
The world was unable to know back then
That a King had been born down in old Bethlehem
But a story like that can’t stay hidden for long
And the baby began to grow big and grow strong
And the more the boy grew, the more people knew
That this boy was strange – though they hadn’t a clue
That the thing that was different; the thing they found odd
Was the fact that his dad was not Joseph, but God ...
Also by the same author 'A Clean Camel Is A Happy Camel' - Click Here