Intercessions - Narnia Theme
Intercessions - Narnia Theme
by Penny Grewcock
Prayers of Intercession - originally used as part of an All-age service as part of a Narnia Weekend Dear Lord Sometimes our world feels like the eternal winter forced upon Narnia. So much hurt, Very little love and joy. People paralysed by their grief, fear, loneliness and pain,
Drama/Monologue: Talking about Lydia
Drama/Monologue: Talking about Lydia
by Marjorie Dobson
Drama/Monologue: Talking about Lydia She’s a wealthy woman, that Lydia. She specialises in selling that really expensive purple cloth that all the rich people buy, so she must be rolling in money. What’s she doing hanging out with a crowd like that? And what are they doing here?
Open with God Book - March - Refugee Week (week 11)
Open with God Book - March - Refugee Week (week 11)
by Christine Odell
MARCH – Refugee Week (week 11) Matthew 25.31-46 Display suitable pictures and newspaper clippings. There will be a time of silence during this prayer, as we imagine what it is like to be a refugee. Shelter, food and drink,safety, community and care: these are things we need, our
Open with God Book - Weekend together
Open with God Book - Weekend together
by Christine Odell
WEEKEND TOGETHER Prayers for Various Occasions Reading John 15.1-10 Lay out any plans, programmes, brochures etc. God of community, we thank you for one another. We thank you for calling us not only as your individual disciples but to be your church, feeding on you and growing to
Prayer based on 1 Peter 1: 3-9
Prayer based on 1 Peter 1: 3-9
by Marjorie Dobson
Prayer based on 1 Peter 1: 3-9 Second Sunday of Easter 1 Peter 1: 3-9 Living God, we rejoice that in the events of this Easter season we can see how you offer us a living hope for all time. We believe in that hope, even though we live in times that test our faith and sometimes st
Prayer: God of compassion
Prayer: God of compassion
by Marjorie Dobson
Prayer: God of compassion Third Sunday of Easter Psalm 116: 1- 4; 12 – 19. God of compassion, we thank you that even in the most difficult times of our lives, you hear us as we cry out to you. When life is dark and there seems to be no hope of light, you hold us in your compassio
Prayer: God of truth
Prayer: God of truth
by Marjorie Dobson
God of truth, even today we live in a world where power corrupts and people are put to death unjustly. We remember those who are persecuted for their beliefs and those who live under an oppressive regime. We recognise that it was religious people who hounded Jesus, mocked his lif
Understanding God
Understanding God
by Marjorie Dobson
Prayer: Understanding God Holy Week Understanding God, when we are faced with disastrous situations, we often have no real idea how to respond. We want to do something – anything – but feel helpless in the face of grief and destruction. At the time of the shock our emotions are i
Prayer: God of the past and future
Prayer: God of the past and future
by Marjorie Dobson
God of the past and future, there are some memories that are almost too painful to bear. At the time of any death there is regret and sorrow and pain and heartache. Grieving openly can be a way of releasing those feelings and giving them voice. Continues... ©Marjorie Dobson
Eggs and Ashes Book - A Prayer on the Way to Jerusalem
Eggs and Ashes Book - A Prayer on the Way to Jerusalem
by R Burgess/C Polhill (Wild Goose Publ)
A prayer on the way to Jerusalem Who may ascend the hill of the Lord? Who may stand in his holy place? Those who have clean hands and pure hearts. O Living God, age after age the children of dust make their way to holy places to seek you, yet you are closer than hands or feet. In
Eggs and Ashes Book - Palm Sunday Evening
Eggs and Ashes Book - Palm Sunday Evening
by R Burgess/C Polhill (Wild Goose Publ)
Prayer - Meditation - reflection Palm Sunday evening This time there will be no flight into Egypt. This donkey has too much to carry, too far. The shadows wait for me: around the table at Passover, among those in high places, in the condemned cell... By Josie Smith Taken from Egg
Eggs and Ashes Book - God Has Made Laughter for Us
Eggs and Ashes Book - God Has Made Laughter for Us
by R Burgess/C Polhill (Wild Goose Publ)
Prayer - Acclamation God has made laughter for us Christ is risen; He is risen indeed. Alleluia! Risen in quiet and mysterious darkness before the chorus of the dawn. Alleluia, Christ is risen; HE IS RISEN INDEED. Risen with glory and grace in reserve, and authority beyond measur
Secondary Schools Assemblies Resource Book - Rise to the Challenge