Marjorie Dobson
Reflection/Meditation: My Father’s Way
Reflection/Meditation: My Father’s Way
by Marjorie Dobson
Reflection/Meditation: My Father’s Way Many years ago a story was told by the Hebrew people – indeed it is still being told today. It sounds something like this: ‘My father was a wandering Aramean; he went down into Egypt and lived there as an alien and there became a great natio
Poem: Ash Wednesday
Poem: Ash Wednesday
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Ash Wednesday Ashes come from crosses, symbolically palm-leafed for joyful jubilation, yet shaped for betrayal and condemnation. Crosses carried last Lent as emblems of enlightenment and hand-held holiness, now tired and tainted by a year of faults and failing to follow the
Poem: The Mountain Top
Poem: The Mountain Top
by Marjorie Dobson
Luke 9: 28-36 Poem: The Mountain Top High, high into the mountains we climbed with him, higher than we had ever climbed before. He led us on up steep and rocky pathways made by wild animals and a few stray sheep. Shrouded, clouded was the mountain top he aimed for, invisible to t
Reflection: Royalty
Reflection: Royalty
by Marjorie Dobson
Psalm 99 Reflection: Royalty In our so-called civilised world, evil leaders rule with cruelty, violence and a total disregard for the welfare of their people. Other, manipulative people prefer to be the power behind their leader’s throne and use cunning, political scheming, bribe
Drama: A big question
Drama: A big question
by Marjorie Dobson
Exodus 34: 29-35 Drama: A big question (A dialogue between mother and child. Identity can easily be changed to any related adult) Mum, who’s that man? He’s a special man, dear. Why is he special Mum? Because he’s our leader, love. What’s his name, Mum? Is that special too? All ou
Poem: Without love
Poem: Without love
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Without love Could it be that we are so convinced that we are Christians that we cannot see our lack of true compassion? Proud preachers parade their words in public, but privately can be prone to apathy. Richly robed religious leaders ride alongside royalty and rearrange r
Reflection/meditation: Every parent
Reflection/meditation: Every parent
by Marjorie Dobson
Reflection/Meditation: Every parent Every parent recognizes the surprise of finding out that their child has grown into an individual person with a mind, will and personality that may bear no resemblance whatsoever to the parents that created the baby they cherished and nurtured.
Responsive prayer: God is our refuge
Responsive prayer: God is our refuge
by Marjorie Dobson
Responsive prayer: God is our refuge On those days when people seem to be aggressive and antagonistic: God is our refuge. On those days when bad news is the only news of the day: God is our refuge. On those days when tragedy and disaster bring fear and a sense of helplessness: Go
Poem: Call to speaking
Poem: Call to speaking
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Call to speaking God speaks and calls to speaking those who have the right potential, or the yet-unknown ability, to answer to the call. Confident or feeling hopeless, ordinary or unusual, any age will be accepted, inclusivity, the norm. For God knows why each is chosen, as
Poem: Local lad
Poem: Local lad
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Local lad (This poem could be split into several voices and almost read as a conversation – or a gossiping session!) Local lad made good, he was. Or so they thought when he first came back to them. Their carpenter’s son with a reputation for being clever, ever since childho
Prayer: God of the church
Prayer: God of the church
by Marjorie Dobson
Prayer: God of the church God of the church, you call us to be your body in the world and we are sorry that so often we forget what that means. Without a physical body, your Spirit is still alive in the world, but spiritual comfort and help is not all that hurting people need. Th
Poem: Look to the heavens
Poem: Look to the heavens
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Look to the heavens If the heavens speak of the glory of God and the skies show God’s handiwork, then wherever we are on this planet we can look up and know that God is communicating with us. No need of language. No need of speech. The glory that is above us... Continues ©M
Reflection/Poem: Thankful for the Law
Reflection/Poem: Thankful for the Law
by Marjorie Dobson
Reflection/Poem: Thankful for the Law For those of us who live in settled lands, have homes and families and reasonable stability, make money for our basic needs although it never seems enough, embrace democracy whilst grumbling against the government and are thankful that we do
Drama: A tricky situation
Drama: A tricky situation
by Marjorie Dobson
Drama: A tricky situation I’ll never forget the look on my master’s face when I took that jar to him and he tasted what I thought was water. I’d been dreading his reaction. After all, I was the one who’d drawn the water and I knew what I’d put in that jar. How on earth could it p
Poem: Choosing gifts with care
Poem: Choosing gifts with care
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Choosing gifts with care Choosing gifts with care for someone who is loved means taking into account character, abilities, interests and talents. Buying an exercise bike for a frail elderly aunt might not be a good idea. Treating a three-year-old child to a gourmet dinner a
Prayer: Great God, your love
Prayer: Great God, your love
by Marjorie Dobson
Prayer: Great God, your love Great God, your love is so vast that it stretches beyond the boundaries of our imagination. We look to the skies and cannot see the extremities of space, yet your faithfulness exceeds those limits. We explore the depths of the oceans, but your justice
Poem: Speaking out
Poem: Speaking out
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Speaking out If a long-ago prophet could not keep silent about the virtues of a city, so righteous in his day, but torn by strife in our time; how is it that we, who know the extent of the love of God, as shown in the life and death of Jesus, Continues... ©Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Significance