Marjorie Dobson
Drama/Dialogue: What a waste!
Drama/Dialogue: What a waste!
by Marjorie Dobson
Drama/Dialogue: What a waste! (A piece for two voices.) What a waste - spending all that money on taking children to the seaside. You may call them deprived, but if their parents – presuming that they have any – got out and did some paid work, then they wouldn’t have to rely on c
Poem: Nothing else matters
Poem: Nothing else matters
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Nothing else matters Nothing else matters now. Who cares if you’re poor, or wealthy? Who cares if you’re a banker, or unemployed? Who cares if you own a stately mansion, or you’re homeless,? Who cares what colour you are, or what your background is? Who cares how many degre
Poem: New things
Poem: New things
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: New things When there are far more days behind us than there can possibly be in front of us, there is a tendency to want to look back to the safety of the known and to leave the unknown future as a mystery. God’s pilgrim people have often faltered as they faced the challeng
Poem: Turning back
Poem: Turning back
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Turning back If repentance comes too late to be able to say, ‘sorry,’ then the guilt lies heavy and forgiveness appears impossible. So when realisation points to the lesson that the wrong choice was made and acted upon, it would be wise to reverse the process, turn around a
Drama/Dialogue: Make-over
Drama/Dialogue: Make-over
by Marjorie Dobson
Drama/Dialogue: Make-over A. I’ve had a make-over! B. Oh, yes! When? A. Yesterday evening. I feel like a new person. B. Well, you don’t look like a new person to me. You still need a haircut – and you could do with losing some weight. A. Aw, come on! You can’t expect that to happ
Reflection/Poem: A New Beginning
Reflection/Poem: A New Beginning
by Marjorie Dobson
Reflection/Poem: A New Beginning When the danger was gone; when the enemies had been left behind; when the journey was over; when the Promised Land had been reached; when the milk and honey was tasted; when the Passover was celebrated; when thanks had been given to God, then the
Monologue: The Failing Fig Tree
Monologue: The Failing Fig Tree
by Marjorie Dobson
Monologue: The Failing Fig Tree He’s not a bad boss really. Very fair in the way he treats his workers and very hands-on in the way he walks around to see what’s going on and to make sure there are no problems. But there are times when he has had to make harsh judgements, or sort
Poem: Be careful you don’t fall
Poem: Be careful you don’t fall
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Be careful you don’t fall Standing on high moral ground is not necessarily an achievement; more like providing a target to be knocked over by personal self-righteous pomposity. Time after time, those who have claimed to be above God’s law, or to have no recognition of its e
Prayer: Generous and caring God
Prayer: Generous and caring God
by Marjorie Dobson
Prayer: Generous and caring God Generous and caring God, we come to you in answer to your invitation to satisfy our thirst for knowledge and our hunger for your love and guidance. We come because you have promised to be faithful to us and we promise to try to live in a way that r
Poem: Determination
Poem: Determination
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Determination Nothing could deter him. Not religious opposition. Not the wily Herod. Not the prophetic predictions. Not the Pharisees with their plotting, nor the teachers with their testing, nor the disciples and their doubting. Nothing could stop him. Continues... ©Marjor
Poem: The Journey
Poem: The Journey
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: The Journey The past is a safe place. No matter what happened there – how many mistakes were made; how many tragic events occurred; how many fears were anticipated; how many new situations were faced; how many decisions were necessary; how many tears were shed, either of jo
Prayer/Reflection: Of whom shall I be afraid?
Prayer/Reflection: Of whom shall I be afraid?
by Marjorie Dobson
Prayer/Reflection: Of whom shall I be afraid? ‘The Lord is the stronghold of my life – of whom shall I be afraid? Tell that to the sufferers of domestic violence; to the children neglected or abused; to the women raped by men with guns; to the families left homeless by floods; to
Reflection: Impossibilities
Reflection: Impossibilities
by Marjorie Dobson
Reflection: Impossibilities When Alice went Through the Looking Glass, the White Queen told her that in her youth she had managed to ‘believe as many as six impossible things before breakfast.’ She was an amateur when compared with Abram, or Abraham, as he’d become known when his
Poem: What the Devil …?
Poem: What the Devil …?
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: What the Devil …? The Devil tempting Jesus in the desert didn’t wear a red body stocking and a cloak, or carry a pitchfork, or have a black beard and fierce eyes, and there was certainly no tail to be seen. That would have given the game away far too easily. No, The Devil t
Dramatic reading: What do you love?
Dramatic reading: What do you love?
by Marjorie Dobson
Dramatic reading: What do you love? (Two - or more - voices read the first six paragraphs alternately. The last paragraph is read by a third reader) I love chocolate. I could eat it for ever – a whole box at a time, when it’s available. But if I did eat as much as I want I’d be a
Prayer: God, our refuge