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This way or that
This way or that
by Glen Scott Robson
Fish eye shot of footpath sign - public right of way. Image suitable for use in a PowerPoint slide (see below) PowerPoint Slide Size- This image is full size which is 1333 x 2000 pixels and 646KB The ideal way to insert into PowerPoint is:- Reduce the image size to 1024x768 pixel
Drama: Namaan was a King
Drama: Namaan was a King
by Andrew Pratt
Drama: Namaan was a King Cast: Narrator Elisha - E Namaan – N Servant – S Bystander Narrator: Namaan was a king. Proud. Royal. No fool this Namaan. But he did have one problem. He was very poorly. Seriously poorly. Leprosy. And it wasn't getting better. It wouldn't get better. Th
Gazing on the Gospels year c - The Sunday Next Before Lent Year C
Gazing on the Gospels year c - The Sunday Next Before Lent Year C
by SPCK - Judith Dimond
The Sunday next before Lent Luke 9.28-36 [37-43a] Gaze on all things that dazzle – spume of the waves that roam the sea, and is tossed up like tinsel in the air, or the light on a lake, making silver rays skid over the surface like a thousand steel skates flashing across ice. Gaz
Job for Everyone - Tested to the Limit
Job for Everyone - Tested to the Limit
by SPCK - John Goldingay
Tested to the Limit Job 34 31- 35: 16 One aspect of the forty-two years during which my first wife had multiple sclerosis was that it was a time of periodic testing, or even of continuous testing (but it was also joyful). As she got to be recurrently tired, or could no longer do
Prayer: God of history and parable
Prayer: God of history and parable
by Marjorie Dobson
Prayer: God of history and parable God of history and parable, the stories from the Bible so often give us guidance about our own behaviour and show us how we can trust in you throughout our lives. Today we reflect on the story of Naaman and Elisha and the child who pointed the w
Job for Everyone - Where Could I Go But to the Lord?
Job for Everyone - Where Could I Go But to the Lord?
by SPCK - John Goldingay
Where Could I Go But to the Lord? Job 5: 1-27 The story goes that sometime in the 1930s a Mississippi music teacher and Baptist deacon named James Coats was at the bedside of one of his neighbors, whose name was Joe Keyes. Joe was dying, and James asked him if he knew where he wo
Simply Good News - The King's Herald
Simply Good News - The King's Herald
by SPCK - N T Wright
2 part b The King’s Herald So what was he talking about in Thessalonica and several other cities in the middle of the first century? In what sense was he bringing good news? What did he think had happened that made an all-important difference to the world?…
Fresh Thoughts For Sunday - Fresh Thoughts For Sunday Issue 121 19/06/16
Fresh Thoughts For Sunday - Fresh Thoughts For Sunday Issue 121 19/06/16
by Twelvebaskets Ltd
A selection of commentary, reflection and prayer ideas from various Christian authors and the full bible texts from the NRSV for this week's lectionary. NOW INCLUDING SERIALISED BOOKS FROM SPCK AND CONTRIBUTIONS FROM BRF. Check below for details. Subscribe to Fresh Thoughts For S
Lectionary Reflections Year A - Proper 18 Year A
Lectionary Reflections Year A - Proper 18 Year A
by SPCK - Jane Williams
Lectionary reflections - Year A Ordinary Time Proper 18 Ezekiel 33.7–11 Romans 13.8–14 Matthew 18.15–20 I suppose we can take comfort from the fact that today’s passage from Matthew needed to be written at all, because you don’t need to give advice where it is already being follo
11 results