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Open with God Book - April- World Health Day
Open with God Book - April- World Health Day
by Christine Odell
April – World Health Day (7 April) Calendar of Prayers Reading Mark 1.29-34a Ask those present to be silent, to become aware of their own bodies: breathing, pulse and senses as well as aches, pains and rumblings! Comforting God, you have consoled us with the promise that, at the
Poem-At this point
Poem-At this point
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: At this point At this point Jesus stated clearly that his message and God’s love were for the whole world. At this point the visiting Greeks felt at home, because it was all Greek to them. At this point the Chosen People realised that Jesus had to go, before he destroyed
Open with God Book - December - World Aids Day (1 December)
Open with God Book - December - World Aids Day (1 December)
by Christine Odell
December – World AIDS Day Calendar of Prayers Reading Mark 1.29-34; 40-44 Loving God, we find disease hard to bear and even harder to accept and understand. Why is it that the freedom of your world involves so much suffering for your children?...
Poem: Singing
Poem: Singing
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Singing I love singing, but I’m not sure that others appreciate my efforts. On my own I am hesitant, my voice falters and is unreliable. Ask me to sing you a tune and it comes out in a whisper. But put me in a crowd, set me in a congregation, group me with others in worship
The Lion's World - 5 - The silent gaze of truth The Lion's World
The Lion's World - 5 - The silent gaze of truth The Lion's World
by SPCK - Rowan Williams
The silent gaze of truth Being told your story by Aslan doesn’t compel your assent. The pain of being confronted with what you have done in all its detail is acute, as we have seen, and it should not surprise us if some will not accept it. In such a case, there is ultimately no s
Poem: Stone Circle
Poem: Stone Circle
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Stone Circle Ancient stones circle a hilltop, their origins for ever mysterious, their purpose undefined. An aura, not evident to all, drifts in the clear air creating its own history and energizing traces of the builders who laboured long to place these slabs of rock into
Poem: God so loved
Poem: God so loved
by Marjorie Dobson
No complicated creeds, or self-righteous rituals. No holy huddles, or raw judgements. No insistence on conformity. Only a call to turn around to find forgiveness waiting. For at the heart of all creation and the core of our existence there is the love of God for errant people. Co
The Lord now lives
The Lord now lives
by Michael Docker
The Lord now lives; the world has turned The Lord now lives; the world has turned: Life that had ended now revives. The Lord now lives, and we are turned From sighs of grief to sing, 'He lives!'; From fearful nights, from angry days, From clouded minds and wayward wills To richer
Great God your love has held our lives
Great God your love has held our lives
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn - Great God your love has held our lives NEW HYMN FOR THE ANNIVERSARY OF THE DESTRUCTION OF THE WORLD TRADE CENTER Great God your love has held our lives across the years down to this day. Your constant presence held us fast: remain with us we plead and pray. We watched the
Walking Backwards to Christmas - Chapter 6 Martha
Walking Backwards to Christmas - Chapter 6 Martha
by SPCK - Stephen Cottrell
Chapter 6 Martha Walking Backwards to Christmas In those days a decree went out from Emperor Augustus that all the world should be registered. This was the first registration and was taken while Quirinius was governor of Syria. All went to their own towns to be registered. Joseph
LWPT Meditations - The Trinity
LWPT Meditations - The Trinity
by Susan Thorne
Meditation - THE TRINITY Greater than the sun in its splendour is our God. In the heavens he has pitched his tent. Like a bridegroom he comes forth from his pavilion, Like a champion rejoicing to run his course (Psalm 19 v 4b-6). He draws up the drops of water which distil as rai
Times and Seasons - A century passes, memories will fade