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Prayer: Everything in common
Prayer: Everything in common
by Marjorie Dobson
Prayer: Everything in common What a great start to a new movement. No one held back. People with money and property put it all into the common purse and those who had nothing knew that they would receive a fair share and would be able to live in peace and harmony, with the same s
Help us trace your rainbow colours
Help us trace your rainbow colours
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: Help us trace your rainbow colours Proper 19 Year A Romans 14: 1-12 Help us trace your rainbow colours through these days of change and choice, holding firmly to your promise: all the world can praise, rejoice. In a world of contradictions let your justice change our ways,
friends, FOES and families - Maundy Thursday: I am innocent of this man's blood
friends, FOES and families - Maundy Thursday: I am innocent of this man's blood
by SPCK - Judith Dimond
Maundy Thursday: I am innocent of this man’s blood Luke 22.66-23.25 An inch is the gap between right and wrong, between the cool of the house and the dazzling sun. One step only out into the glare the door slams quickly, you must leave there. Forced to choose either left or right
With My WholeHeart - Psalm 27:15-16
With My WholeHeart - Psalm 27:15-16
by SPCK - James Jones
Psalm 27:15-16 With these words I began to come to terms with the news that I was to have major heart surgery. All of us have our own stories of confronting something we dread, and then feeling faint. Ever since doing biology at school I had been squeamish and nervous about the i
Hymn: A commonwealth of love
Hymn: A commonwealth of love
by Andrew Pratt
A commonwealth of love where all are held by grace, it seems idyllic on the page, could it infect this place? Within that upper room were people just like us, but meeting Christ in faith and love transformed their depth of trust. Verses 2-3 follow Tune: FROM STRENGTH TO STRENGTH
Genesis for Everyone Part 1 - Babylon Becomes Babble-on
Genesis for Everyone Part 1 - Babylon Becomes Babble-on
by SPCK - John Goldingay
Babylon Becomes Babble-on Genesis 11: 8- 30 In England I had an Egyptian colleague whose first language was Arabic. When we were going to Morocco for a holiday, I asked him to teach me a few phrases of Arabic so I could at least say, “Good morning” and “Thank you” to people, but
There are no limits to God's love
There are no limits to God's love
by Andrew Pratt
There are no limits to God's love, aside from those we put in place because of fear, or hate or greed, then justified by race or creed. The walls that we would seek to build, around our nations or our thoughts , the borders we patrol and police, are breached by God's own grace an
The Post Evangelical - 6 "Let me tell you a story"
The Post Evangelical - 6 "Let me tell you a story"
by SPCK - Dave Tomlinson
6 “Let me tell you a story” We have already touched on the subject of postmodernism and we now need to look at this a little more closely. I have referred several times to the fact that the Western world is in a state of flux and that the modern world, stretching back to the Enli
Together Again Music Score and Lyrics