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Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 34 Resurrection and Ethics
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 34 Resurrection and Ethics
by SPCK-Kenneth E. Bailey
Resurrection and Ethics In each of the four previous essays Paul placed his theological teachings in the centre of the essay and positioned the ethical problem under discussion on the outside, around that centre. For example, in the first essay the ethical problem was the Corinth
CHRISTIANITY AND THE RENEWAL OF NATURE - 7c Reading the signs of the times
CHRISTIANITY AND THE RENEWAL OF NATURE - 7c Reading the signs of the times
by SPCK - Sebastian C.H. Kim and Jonathan Draper
Reading the signs of the times The spirited manner in which Northcott writes exemplifies the vocation of a public theologian as a connected critic. There is a pressing imperative to discern the signs of the times. The occasional nature of a public theology requires this capacity,
Great Christian Thinkers - 10 St. Athanasius of Alexandria
Great Christian Thinkers - 10 St. Athanasius of Alexandria
by SPCK - Pope Benedict XVI
St. Athanasius of Alexandria Continuing our re-visitation of the great teachers of the ancient Church, let us focus our attention on St. Athanasius of Alexandria… Taken from Great Christian Thinkers by Pope Benedict XVI
Parallel Lives of Jesus - 11 The Death of Jesus
Parallel Lives of Jesus - 11 The Death of Jesus
by SPCK - Edward Adams
The Death of Jesus The crucifixion and death of Jesus is the “crucial” event of the shared gospel story, the climactic occurrence to which the whole course of events has been leading. Crucifixion was an excessively cruel and drawn-out mode of execution, designed to shock and inti
Parallel Lives of Jesus - 9 The Walking on the Water
Parallel Lives of Jesus - 9 The Walking on the Water
by SPCK - Edward Adams
The Walking on the Water The story of Jesus’ walking on the water appears in three of the four Gospels: not, as one might expect, in the three Synoptic Gospels, but in Matthew, Mark, and John. Luke does not include this episode; he moves directly from the feeding miracle to the c
by Roger Johnson
Evangelism Bulletin 261 – Meanderings So, the Israelites escape from slavery in Egypt under the faltering leadership of Moses. Timidly he confronts Pharoah asking him to release the Israelites from slavery. At the God-ordained moment they make their hasty escape. Miraclulous even
Intercessions - I want to serve
Intercessions - I want to serve
by Jane Bingham
Intercessions for use alongside “I want to serve the purpose of God” Lord we pray for our world broken by war and conflict. Conscious of people living without homes, water and food whilst we have all we need. Conscious of people facing war just along the road from their village r
by Chris Goan
A meditation to be set up as a series of 'messages' in a outside/wilderness location. (There are 10 in total) We have used it on forest trails, and on Wilderness Retreats on tiny Hebridean islands. The easiest way to set it up is to laminate each meditation, and attach it to a ga
Gazing on the Gospels Year B - Proper 19 Year B
Gazing on the Gospels Year B - Proper 19 Year B
by SPCK - Judith Dimond
Proper 19 Mark 8: 27-38 Gaze on a group of men and women, looking forward to supper, walking casually along the road towards Caesarea Philippi. What are they talking about – the weather, perhaps or the latest lovesick comrade, or maybe the political scandal of the continued occup
Gazing on the Gospels Year B - Proper 7 Year B
Gazing on the Gospels Year B - Proper 7 Year B
by SPCK - Judith Dimond
Proper 7 Mark 4: 35-41 Gaze on the sea in stormy weather. Hear the roar of the gale crashing against the sails at full stretch and the creak of the feeble wooden hull. Watch the disciples, bailing out in vain. The rain is lashing their faces, soaking their clothes. Hear the fear
Acts for Everyone part 1 - Here Comes the Sequel
Acts for Everyone part 1 - Here Comes the Sequel
by SPCK - N T Wright
Here Comes the Sequel!Acts 1.1-5 The English playwright Alan Bennett wrote a famous play about the equally famous madness of a well-known king. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, England had four kings in succession all called ‘George’, and the third of them – George I
Lectionary Reflections Year A - Proper 17 Year A
Lectionary Reflections Year A - Proper 17 Year A
by SPCK - Jane Williams
Lectionary reflections - Year A Ordinary Time Proper 17 Jeremiah 15.15–21 Romans 12.9–21 Matthew 16.21–8 Oh dear. Now it’s crunch time. Justification by grace through faith is fine. A theology of grace alone, which emphasizes our inability to achieve our own salvation, is central
Lectionary Reflections Year A - Proper 16 Year A
Lectionary Reflections Year A - Proper 16 Year A
by SPCK - Jane Williams
Lectionary reflections - Year A Ordinary Time Proper 16 Isaiah 51.1–6 Romans 12.1–8 Matthew 16.13–20 There seems to be a bit of a break in the argument at this point in Romans. Chapters 9––11 are Paul’s attempt to give some kind of coherent shape to God’s activity in choosing fir
Gazing on the Gospels Year B - Proper 22 Year B
Gazing on the Gospels Year B - Proper 22 Year B
by SPCK - Judith Dimond
Proper 22 Mark 10: 2-16 Gaze on a wedding photograph, and see all the families gathered together, the generations, from great grandmother in a wheelchair to toddler running around collecting the confetti. Gaze on the bride and groom. These days they are unlikely to be blushing, e
Lectionary Reflections - Year B - The Third Sunday of Easter Year B